Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 2
This course will look in the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. It's aimed at people that have some modeling experience in Maya but are having trouble with complex objects.
# 1 26-08-2009 , 04:48 PM
UncleMito's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 22

Maya 08 translucence? broken?

Been trying to get translucence to work in a old fashion pull down shade. Is it buggy? I have a direction light behind a thin piece of geometry while light is showing thru shillouttes are not picking up?

# 2 26-08-2009 , 05:49 PM
mastone's Avatar
Maniacal boy king of Babylon
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What are your settings intensity of the lightsource how far is the object behind the supposed translucent object what are the rendersettings, is at a Blinn/Phong Lambert etc. show a render .

As a general remark the default maya shadertranslucency aren't that good when it comes to reall life SSS, for that you need mental ray's SSS -shaders

Oh and it gets a tad annoying when people ask questions like;
"I want to make good renders for my model that is very nice lit , but I don't see the object behind the main thing how do i make a nice render of the second object?"

And don't elaborate with pictures and settings, I sometimes have the feeling that people who ask stuff like this don't know what they are doing don't understand anything about the applicationthey have open and basically try to make stuff that's way over their heads.

What i want to say to these people is valliant efforts but try starting out with a bouncing ball (don't laugh a good bouncing ball is actually very hard to achieve with stretch and squash to make it believeable)and some simple tutorials trust me start with little stuff and work your way up.

# 3 26-08-2009 , 09:26 PM
Chirone's Avatar
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UncleMito, are you using mental ray to render? if not then you're not going to see any translucency

i googled maya translucency (GecT's blog was one of the first results user added image ) to see if there was anything else, but this mac would just slow down and stop working.

that's a "Ch" pronounced as a "K"

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# 4 27-08-2009 , 09:00 AM
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Lol really? I just googled what you said and it didn't do that for me.

Well translucency works, but I'm wondering if you're talking about the mia mat or a blinn or something. The mia materal does it very easily (if you want true SSS then you'll have to use the physical SSS) but yah the mia mat has a translucency attribute, for it to show you'll have to dial in some level of transparency then adjust the translucency weight to something that's acceptable.

The following is a thin walled mia material with a high transparency and high translucency weight.

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- Genny
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