Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 09-02-2010 , 12:20 AM
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Posts: 32

Rendering question

I have two screen shots for you. One in the editor with smoothing on ( 3 ) on the keyboard. The second is the render of this screen. However the render looks like it had smoothing off ( 1 ) on the keyboard. My question is does Maya not render as what is seen on the screen. If not how can I render this model at a higher resolution. Thanks in advance!!

In the editor



# 2 09-02-2010 , 12:30 AM
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Because the software renderer doesn't support the smooth preview. Mental Ray however, does.

- Genny
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# 3 09-02-2010 , 01:53 PM
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Posts: 32

Originally posted by GecT
Because the software renderer doesn't support the smooth preview. Mental Ray however, does.

Thanks. Looked into that and 1) didn't have the plugin activated BTW thanks for your FAQs as that is where I found this little nugget. Now I have tried to render with Mental Ray and I have a new problem. Nothing renders except the complete eyeball. I have looked around and made sure that all of the layers are selected as being rendered but it still is rendering just the eyeball. Also found a couple of warnings in the script editor and have included them below.

Thanks again.


renderWindowRender redoPreviousRender renderView;
import as stereoCameraRig
# Result: False #
editRenderLayerGlobals -currentRenderLayer "defaultRenderLayer";
about -p;
// Result: Maya Unlimited 2010 //
mentalrayUI "";
workspace -q -rte images;
// Result: images //
file -q -exn;
// Result: /Users/Roontoon/Documents/maya/projects/default/scenes/BigBadWolf-test-5.0.2.mb //
mrProgress -e -bp -pd 0 -l "analyzing";
miPmSetCancelMode 0;
miPmSetMessage "analyzing";
miPmSetPercent 0;
miPmSetVisible 1;
mrProgress -e -ep;
mrProgress -e -bp -pd 0 -l "translating";
miPmSetCancelMode 0;
miPmSetMessage "translating";
miPmSetPercent 0;
miPmSetVisible 1;
format -stringArg "2" "number of render thread(s): ^1s";
// Result: number of render thread(s): 2 //
mrProgress -e -l "translating frame 23" -pd 0;
miPmSetMessage "translating frame 23";
// Warning: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : mentalrayIblShape1: IBL ignored. File texture not found, or constant black input color. //
// Warning: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : mentalrayIblShape1: IBL ignored. File texture not found, or constant black input color. //
// Warning: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : mentalrayIblShape1: IBL ignored. File texture not found, or constant black input color. //
// Result: untitled //
mrProgress -e -ep;
mrProgress -e -bp -pd 0 -l "mental ray";
miPmSetCancelMode 0;
miPmSetMessage "mental ray";
miPmSetPercent 0;
miPmSetVisible 1;
mrProgress -e -l "mental ray rendering image" -pd 40;
miPmSetMessage "mental ray rendering image";
miPmSetPercent 40;
mrProgress -e -l "mental ray rendering image" -pd 85;
miPmSetMessage "mental ray rendering image";
miPmSetPercent 85;
mrProgress -e -l "mental ray rendering image" -pd 95;
miPmSetMessage "mental ray rendering image";
miPmSetPercent 95;
mrProgress -e -ep;
// Result: untitled //
mrProgress -e -ep;
updateEditorFeedbackRenderLayer RenderLayerTab defaultRenderLayer;

# 4 09-02-2010 , 04:09 PM
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Those are just progress messages. You probably have "Echo all commands" checked on (it's under the "History" menu in the script editor) And the warnings about the IBL node are there because you most likely clicked "Image Based Lighting" in the render settings and never bothered to assign an HDRI image to it so it stayed at the default black (which will give you no illumination), Mental Ray is just giving you a heads up.

Also, if you assign a new shader to your wolf and it's still not rendering, post the scene and let's have a looky loo.

- Genny
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# 5 09-02-2010 , 05:51 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 32

Originally posted by GecT
Those are just progress messages. You probably have "Echo all commands"
checked on (it's under the "History" menu in the script editor)

Uncheck and much clearer now!

And the warnings about the IBL node are there because you most likely clicked "Image Based Lighting" in the render settings and never bothered to assign an HDRI image to it so it stayed at the default black (which will give you no illumination), Mental Ray is just giving you a heads up.

Is this in the mental ray settings? Other than that question I would say HUH? ;-)

Also, if you assign a new shader to your wolf and it's still not rendering, post the scene and let's have a looky loo. [/B]

Didn't do this. Just tried to do a test render. BTW I moved the POV of the scene around a couple of times and all of the model started to render. Moved it back to it's original location and it rendered OK.... so now I am scratching my head. I have got to say the Maya is one complicated cookie. I know photoshop pretty well and have done lots of programing but Maya has got most things beat in it's complexity.

Thanks for the help :bow:


# 6 09-02-2010 , 06:38 PM
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Yes, its in the Mental Ray settings, in the "Indirect Lighting tab, under the "Environment" section (should be the first thing at the top of the tab).

Uhh you're not supposed to have to move the camera around to get a scene to render but I don't think I have to tell you that lol. I don't recall ever having that happen to me, it would drive me nuts until I got to the bottom of it.

- Genny
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