Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 2
This course will look in the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. It's aimed at people that have some modeling experience in Maya but are having trouble with complex objects.
# 1 14-02-2010 , 09:44 PM
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Posts: 16

rotate pivot point?

i know how to change the pivot point in maya but how do you rotate the pivot point?

# 2 15-02-2010 , 11:00 AM
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You have very limited control. There are options but even though I have used maya from version 2.0 I only know of one way to get absolute control of ALL the axis (translate, rotate, and scale).

You have to use a parenting trick.

1. create an object say a pcube
2. orient it the way you want the axis
3. parent the target object to the pcube
4. with the target object selected freeze its transforms
5. make sure you are in object axis mode (hold the w-key and press the lmb a menu will pop up and check the object axis box or double click the move widget icon on the lhs of the gui and select object mode).

The targets object axis will now match the local axis - which is the parent cubes object axis. lol yeah I know wtf - object axis, local axis, world axis, axis of evil?!?! Maya's axis control system is really convoluted.

In any event you can now unparent the target object and delete the pcube and the target objects object axis will now be set to the way you oriented the pcube.

I have used Maya since version 2.0 and this is one of the primary reasons I am seriously considering switching to Modo. It can be frustrating and I can easily go on a 40 minute rant about Maya's woefully inadequate axis control system.

Note. From version 8.5 (I think) they did add a way to set the axis to a face, edge, or point. Hold down the w-key and then press the lmb, in the popup menu select axis, then "to face", "to edge" or "to point". The downside here (and again in my oppinion a serious design flaw in maya) is that it only affects the translate axis! If you pick rotate or more annoyingly scale the axis will pop back your axis setting usually object or world.

Hope this helps and good luck.

"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675

Last edited by ctbram; 15-02-2010 at 11:12 AM.
# 3 15-02-2010 , 02:11 PM
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Go into component mode, and in the status line, there is a button with a question mark. Select that. You will now get an icon of the object's local axis. Select it, and then use the rotate tool. When you're done, press the question mark again, and then go back to object mode. In the rotate tool's options (double click on the tool), and make sure it's set to local.

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# 4 15-02-2010 , 05:32 PM
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omg! Thank you next!

I have been using maya for years and have asked this question dozens of times! I never knew you could manipulate the local axis directly! I guess that is because I have not done any rigging and I never realized the rigging manipulator was in fact the local axis!

Thanks again!

"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675
# 5 15-02-2010 , 05:37 PM
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crap! I spoke too soon! That only effects the ROTATION axis. You are still borked if you want to change the SCALE axis!

ARGH! This is really annoying! So I am back to the 5 step process using the parenting trick if I want to change the ENTIRE local axis (translate, scale, and rotate).

"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675
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