I already started a topic about texturing https://simplymaya.com/forum/showthread.php?t=36133
Because it's getting a bit of topic, I hope you guys don't mind if I start a new Topic about lightning.
So in the topic I linked, I asked about texturing. But before I finally go for texturing, I wan't to get a bit deeper into lightning to, because it made a lot of fun doing basic stuff like 3point lightning

So I don't know where to continue. There are so many topics about lightning. And because I don't know if I would rather learn to light movie scenes or game envirements I'm stuck at which software to choose, Maya or UDK? Best case would be if the learned stuff would be transferable between the software packages?
Are there some lightning pros around here who could give me a hint where to start. I know, study your envirements etc. But where is a good place to start when it comes to create wonderful scenes (movies and/or games) in a 3D envirement?
I hope you get what I'm trying to ask you, my english isn't perfect

I rather would start learning lightning in Maya, because I'm already used to Maya