This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
To get the effect I think your looking for eac hribbonm would need a gravity and turbulance field to get the correct effect whilst you are animating.
There are probably more solutions, but that is the route I would take.
Chris (formerly R@nSiD) Twitter When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix Winner SM VFX Challenge 1 3rd Place SM SteamPunk Challenge (May 2007)
I think you're probably right, but thankfully the ribbons only need to be on screen for a few secs. Once rendered out a bit of AE work would do the rest.
How do you animate a stroke or a shape along a path?
Sounds daft, but I know how to animate a small object but how do you get the whole streamer shape to hug the path?
OK, I have just been having a play in Maya 7 to figure out what to do...
So here goes:
Create your ribbon (I used a ploy plane)
Create a spiral curve (I used EP CV Curve tool)
Select your Ribbon and the Curve
Go to the Animation Menu Set
Choose Animate > Motion Paths > Attach to Motion Path (Option Box)
Click Edit and Reset
Ensure Follow option is ticked and click Attach
Set the time slider to 150 (ish) and run the animation
Now to create the effect that its soft and following correctly and not stiff...
Select the Ribbon
Go to Animate > Motion Paths > Flow Path Object (Option Box)
Click Edit and then reset
Then click Flow
Run the animation again and its follows, but its still not really accurate.
So in the Channel Box select ffd1LatticeShape and change the S Divisions to about 30. This would be ample enough for a simple curve, but the more complex the curve I would recommend upping the S Divisions to around 60.
Hope this get you on the right path (no pun intended).
Enjoy... I have attached the MA file (Maya 7) for you to refer too