I was trying to learn Dynamics, and doing Maya Getting Started lesson on Dynamics, in which creating a fountain particles with color. After completing lesson 1, I want to experiment with it. I tried to change Render Attributes -> Particle Render Type from Streak to Cloud, and it got like this in perspective view:

But when I tried to render it, whether by mental ray or software, it became like this:

- The sequence (120 frames) rendered weirdly. It's like twice particles, the first sequence particles died like with lifespan of 1, then begin again curving like that.
- The particles move like the streak particles (like in the lesson). But if that's so, why in the perspective view they move upward like that?
- The colors are missing. If the color ramp cannot be translated to cloud particles, then how can I change the color from blue like that?
PS: I know that maya hardware cannot render the cloud (and blobby sruface and tube), but why is that? I tried to google the reason and cannot find satisfactory answer.
Edit: forgot to tell, I didn't change anything, except changing particle render type to cloud. Everything else are the same. Oh and the first image was happening when I select the particle1 (in the outliner). But when I select volumeAxisField2 (the torus object), it became like this:

Amusing, but also confuse me as hell. Why is that? No attribute was changed, just select different object and the particles behave differently? Is there any knowledge that I miss?