Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 30-10-2012 , 10:35 PM
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Disney buy Lucasfilm

# 2 30-10-2012 , 10:44 PM
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[url]....and they want to make Ep7, 8 and 9.....


Haha I hope they do. The hubby is already saying we'd go see it on "bad movie night".

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# 3 30-10-2012 , 10:48 PM
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I was just reading the article again, and the way its been written, it made me wonder if George Lucas is ill or something? I could be looking completely out of the box here, but its a little out of character as he is so precious about it (Star Wars)

anyway....Im sure more will be revealed soon.


# 4 31-10-2012 , 12:47 AM
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Maybe this is a good thing. With the flop that "Retails" was, it makes me wonder if lucasfilm lost alot of money, and selling was the best option. I read somewhere that lucas has been in talks about selling Lucasfilm for that past year.

# 5 31-10-2012 , 02:30 AM
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Disney's business model: Buy, sequel, buy, sequel...

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
# 6 31-10-2012 , 12:20 PM
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Red Tails's main failure was the actual studio itself putting the film out there. From what I'd read, the concern was would a war movie with a cast of mainly actors of African origin actually sell and was it worth the risk. The studio was reluctant to sell it. We were gagging to see it here in the UK as us guys love our aircraft and the trailers looked pretty good. It did however land here for a week and I did manage to see the movie, and although not the best film in terms of dialogue in the world (thanks George), the VFX are world class and look bloody stunning, not bad considering it was made in Prague and I think Germany, ILM of course responible for the final look. Its worth seeing just for the eye candy, and I think it came out on Blu Ray/DVD this week over here too, so may well invest just for the features side of it.


# 7 31-10-2012 , 04:38 PM
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Saw this on another forum. The thread subject was "Star Wars Ep. 7 coming 2015!" I thought "Sweet, hopefully it's decent". Clicked the thread, saw the words "Will be made by Disney". Instant disappointment.

# 8 31-10-2012 , 05:02 PM
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Distribution is what killed Redtails, nobody wanted to touch it, I heard George had to reach into his pocket for that. I never got Star Wars' appeal, I guess you just had to be there in the beginning. Jay, you're not kidding about the dialogue, I think it was episode III, the final fight between Obi-Wan and Anakin and they actually said these lines:

Anakin, Chanchellor Palpatine is evil!

From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!

I laughed so hard and damn near peed myself, out of sheer disbelief that anything with this big a budget and such brand recognition would let that slip through. Like, really why did I even bother paying attention for the past hour or so?

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# 9 31-10-2012 , 05:09 PM
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But that's a really important plot point, because it establishes that Anakin has a different point of view from Obi-wan.

# 10 31-10-2012 , 05:09 PM
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OMG! This is great news. I am looking so forward to more of the JarJar Binx back story. (not). Meso think this am gonna beso a buncho trasho Annie!

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# 11 31-10-2012 , 07:05 PM
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Gen, hahaha yeah theres some real clangers in that one. When Star Wars first arrived many moons ago before alot of the boys and girls were born on this forum, it was a phenomenon, it was huge, I remember it very well, and am lucky enough to say my Dad worked on them and I visited the sets, it really was huge and it did change film making as we know it today, for better and worse in some cases, that in part is down to what George Lucas believed could be done and what he pushed all those clever people at ILM and Pixar to do, dont forget that Pixar was actually once a division of Lucasfilm. I think though bringing back Star Wars to a new generation was kind of wrong in some respects, because the film maker today is different, Chris Nolan is a great example of a modern film maker, he does it 'right' in my eyes - he is 'now'

Yeah same as what I said it was about distribution, it was down to having 'black' actors being a risk, and yes George did pay for it himself...

I wouldnt say it was instant disappointment that its Disney, its not like the films could get any worse now. Be grateful its not Michael ' boom, bang' Bay!!!


# 12 31-10-2012 , 07:26 PM
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Be grateful its not Michael ' boom, bang' Bay!!!


You've got a point there. But I could see this going terribly wrong. Then again, the Pirates series was Disney, and they were good :p

# 13 31-10-2012 , 08:11 PM
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OMG! This is great news. I am looking so forward to more of the JarJar Binx back story. (not). Meso think this am gonna beso a buncho trasho Annie!

Haha, Dave just screamed in terror at the thought of JarJar Binx returning to the big screen.

# 14 31-10-2012 , 09:37 PM
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Lol why all the JarJar hate? user added image

@ Jay

I'm not going to lie, I do like the cover art for episode II, I dig the painted look of the original and thought it was a nice throw back.

Edit: I did get around to watching Dark Knight and was prepared to hate it because of all the hype but wow did I have to eat my words, it was a sweet watch, Ledger definitely sold "crazy" and I loved that he just had no regard for anything whatsoever, a super hero movie for adults, loved it.

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Last edited by GecT; 31-10-2012 at 09:41 PM.
# 15 31-10-2012 , 11:55 PM
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Same here I love all the 'Art of ' books, I have all the Star Wars ones, 1- 6. Pity the translation to screen is lost.

All 3 of the new Batman movies are 'up there' for me. Ledger was pure class. I had a great arguement recently with a colleague, it was Batman v Avengers, they insisted Avengers was better based on takings alone...I argued theres no story and nothing in it for any adult, except maybe some vfx (hulk) tuh!!! people no idea!!

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