(i have tried avi, image sequence in Tiff, Iff and TGA)
everytime i put on avi i get just an error, it will not do anything i've had image sequence option ticked on all of these
I've tried avi with no codec and with uncompressed these have all been rendered in after effects which is where i've put together this video with the effects i want, some image sequences work until i click on the use image sequence option then they come with the error/xx/xxx/xxx etc.. node does not exist when it does, how else would i have clicked it.
even though when i'm using a single image from the sequence it will only show in the render view on i think maya hardware 2.0, i need the full sequence in mental ray.
Help is so much appreciated as i'm on a deadline and 24 hours is way too much for a technical problem! if you suggest something please be basic with me and include instructions on how to do what you advise,
Thank you ... the angry guy dosed up on energy drinks