I just wanted to share my house with you. Next onto the texturing when that gets released by Dave

Some aspects were a little challenging, especially lining up the tiles for the corners of the roofs. one issue i did come across what when creating the masks for the roofs (hence i haven't applied them yet.
positioning the camera in the viewport and rendering a 4k image at 3840 x 2160, taking that into photoshop CC for the house was fine athough when opening in photoshop its telling me that the image is 3550 x 1805.
When rendering the masks they seem to be a little off also, even though all the settings are the same, i have to resize the X in photoshop otherwise the mask was slightly to the right.
Anyways, i have loved following along with these tutorials and with the skills learnt, i now have the confidence to follow my (Autistic license) lol

Cheers Clarke