I remember that man... sorry I couldn't help ya, as you can see, I'm having the same issue.
Danny gave a link above to a GREAT explanation for the reason why we are having these problems, (THANKS DANNY!!!)
...anyway, the guys' friend wrote a plugin for Maya 4.0 that cures the issue, however I believe both of us are on Maya 4.5....
Though the theory can be implemented by hand quite easily, my fear is that I might be wasting my time because I cannot believe we are the only two with this issue.
So for poops & giggles, I'm going to try posting at CGTalk to see what others have done.
..yeah, yeah, I know, it's dangerous to post there, but hopefully, my kung-fu will prevail
Wish me luck, and I'll post any help I get in the proper sectionfrom now on...
.....starting...... NOW! hehe...
Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS