Ok Im following the tutorials that came with Maya, figured its the best way to start to learn this... currently Im doing the hand.
Im really gettin into it. I seem to like the Subd and poly better than the nurbs. Oh by the way Im using Maya 4.5 Complete
Ok now the questions.
1. Subd seems better than nurbs.. is this true?
2. Is there a complete list of short cut keys/hotkeys for Maya I can print out?
3. Is there a hotkey for ExtrudeFace?
4. While working on the hand, sometimes I find it easier to deselect the whole hand so its just grey, then I can see the contours better. The only way I have found to do this is to either right click>Select... then click somewhere outside the selected hand so the selection goes off...... or to go preferrences and turn wire frames off. Is there a simpler way to do this? A hotkey? (Like in photoshop you hit CTRL H.)
5. Also, while working on the hand, Ive refined some areas on the index finger, to the point that I have up to detail level 4 when I work with the vertixes(sp?) is this ok? What are the benefits and disadvantages of that?
Thank You, Harvezter
P.S Ive attached what I have accomplished so far in hopes that some of you pros could critique my progress