Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 106 23-11-2003 , 03:28 AM
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LOL, don't think we'll be needing any duck tape user added image

I just wanted to avoid a particular seam where the arm meets the body, but without hacking up the torso there's no other way I can do that (sounds nasty I know). So I guess I'll just paint it in as best as I can. Might post a pic of the map later.

Cheers Pony user added image

Last edited by Chris_H; 23-11-2003 at 07:40 AM.
# 107 23-11-2003 , 11:11 AM
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View of the body as it's coming along. Only just started the texturing, some way to go yet. Take all the help I can get as usual, thanks guys!

Figure I can get around those seams ok, just need a bit more practice at it. The seams around the chest and neck are the worst at the moment, but I haven't had a go at fixing that just yet.

# 108 23-11-2003 , 03:18 PM
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that is so awesome. love it!

# 109 23-11-2003 , 06:24 PM
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Holy potatoes!! Thats incredible! You sure know your stuff Chris...the detail in the pecs like the veins look awesome.

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# 110 23-11-2003 , 09:52 PM
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Hey, im loving this... but check out this picture here on the pecks.. I think they could be a bit more defined.

I think you should influence the collar bone more so you can see it on his skinny frame. Then i think you should run a slight line through the upper/lower peck area.. kinda distinguishing it. Im not sure about that though, hes not exactly bulk. I also think though for sure that you should run some "stretching" look to his pecks.. i'll show a couple pictures of what i mean user added image.


Just some ideas though, not saying you have to do any of that.. i love how its coming along though, wonderful job! Great detail as well :thumbsup:

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"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 111 23-11-2003 , 10:38 PM
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Thanks for the feedback guys user added image
Great advice again M user added image much appreciated!
I had been worried about the pecs/collar bone not looking right, and you hit the nail on the head there. And thanks for the pics, really usefull.



# 112 24-11-2003 , 04:10 AM
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Hi Chris... I just checked out your web page and I was very moved by several of your paintings.
Very impressive work there... and here...*S*
but your guest book does not work.... thats why I am posting here.

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# 113 24-11-2003 , 04:22 AM
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Thanks for checking out my site (sadly neglected for a while now, must fix it) and glad you enjoyed the paintings. Been quite a while since I recieved much comment on them. I used to hold exhibtions but haven't for about three years now and I do miss that. Must pick up my old brush again one day!

Thanks again user added image

# 114 24-11-2003 , 12:43 PM
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Bloody ell! thats a spiffing job ol bean! my only crit is that the skin is a lil to pink, I always think that adding a lil blue and green adds a little more life likeness to skin, also maybe you want to add some more blemishes to the forhead. the ears could be slightly pinker to and perhaps also on the model itself the eyes seem a lil to far back in the socket adding some more creases under the eys may be good as well. But its a splendid job, oh and will he be getting hair user added image Oh also looking at the films model I noticed the ears are a lil squarer at the bottom.

Just got back from work where I was before, the skin looks better on this monitor user added image but I think it could do with being a lil duller.

I am not worthy!

Last edited by Ra1Der; 24-11-2003 at 04:01 PM.
# 115 24-11-2003 , 08:47 PM
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I'd agree it's very healthy looking skin, which is good if that is what you are after but I am not sure. I really like those subtle veins and touches, lovely.

# 116 24-11-2003 , 10:29 PM
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Thanks for the tips Witchy and Ra1Der! Very much appreciated.

Had a couple of minor problems that managed to sidetrack me somewhat. Back to painting tonight so I'll be trying to impliment more definition to the skin. It's such a fine balencing act with the colour and so easy to get lost in minor details, so probably for the best that I had a night off from it. Your suggestions really have and do help greatly!

Oh and he will have hair, just started preparing it, but wont go into fully untill I'm happy with the textures.

Thanks again user added image


# 117 25-11-2003 , 12:59 AM
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I love the spider veins though user added image, keep it up dude. Just yeah.. maybe influence them a bit more, make some more defects... pop in the dvd and pause at any close up of his skin :thumbsup:.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 118 25-11-2003 , 03:51 AM
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Cheers M user added image

I'm looking more closely at the reference at the moment and trying to match the colouring. Tis is the first attempt tonight, will post another as hopefully it gets closer.

Thanks again for the support!

# 119 25-11-2003 , 04:09 AM
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Nice. I was thinking the green cast is great but over all I think he has more of a pasty look. The green really only comes out in the middle towns.. humm... wandering how you could do that.. I'm sure it could be done.. but.. maybe more of the green in the spec map ?

# 120 25-11-2003 , 04:10 AM
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Looking realy nice, love those ears! Nice bump.

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