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# 1 20-12-2003 , 05:24 AM
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duel.avi (lightsaber effects in real footage)

Did a test for adding lightsaber effects to live footage today. It's about 8 or 9 seconds long.

You can thank my friend JJ for helping me out as well. (was the fighter on the left, helped out with lightsaber effects in Maya, and did the audio work, and supplied the video camera)


(and keep in mind that this is merely a test in preperation for a bigger project)

# 2 20-12-2003 , 05:26 AM
mtmckinley's Avatar
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Pretty cool! There are a few moments where the blade seems to waver a bit around the hands, but it's mostly only noticable when there's not much movement. Neat stuff!

# 3 20-12-2003 , 06:06 AM
-<{ JB }>-'s Avatar
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well, it SOUNDED really cool..... but for some reason it only showed a still frame after displaying the title 'the duel'. should I download it again?

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# 4 20-12-2003 , 06:17 AM
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very nice

# 5 20-12-2003 , 06:20 AM
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JB - did you right-click and download it b/c I know that some movies won't play correctly if you just click them right from the webpage. Also, make sure you have the latest DivX codec because that's what we used to encode it. hmmm, I don't know of anything else that could cause it to freeze like that.

# 6 20-12-2003 , 09:46 AM
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I had the same problem as JB even saving target as.

Ife youde like to see in my opinion a very good version you should search "Art of the Saber" on google. I have it on my comp. But i think its too big to put here. as its about 3+ minutes long.

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# 7 20-12-2003 , 12:20 PM
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I like it, very nice. Can see law suits in your future, but its still nice. user added image

# 8 20-12-2003 , 03:06 PM
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Nah. Can't get sued unless he's chargeing for it. (Hey Dark... Can I get my $5 back? user added image)

Anyway, it was pretty good. I see what Mike was saying about it wavering a bit. It's especially noticeable on the yellow one. But it was pretty good anyway. Nice fight coreography. user added image

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Dave Baer
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# 9 20-12-2003 , 03:09 PM
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Nice work darkware!

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# 10 20-12-2003 , 04:43 PM
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still cant watch:-\

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# 11 20-12-2003 , 05:44 PM
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yes I believe the lightsaber effects would have been a whole lot better had I rendered them out through Maya wit a perfect camera angle. I'm thinking that I just had the camera too far away from the sabers when I did it, so when it was overlapped onto the footage in AE it looked weird. Just a test though, so it doesn't really matter.

# 12 20-12-2003 , 10:41 PM
soulcialism's Avatar
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i know it's just a test but in the final you should spark some particles whenever you guys psuedo-saberlock in the middle of the short, before he jumps and does the spinny...might add something. looks awesome other than that though. 21st century garage jedi's, haha.

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# 13 22-12-2003 , 11:55 AM
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very very nice !!!

# 14 22-12-2003 , 09:25 PM
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# 15 23-12-2003 , 08:15 AM
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Had to wait to get home to see this little flick.. Nice stuff !!

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