wire2.jpeg (421.9 KB, 493 views)
, 07:03 AM
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: with PonysGirl
Thats a really great version of that one ! I love the style of your detail. I don't know how to texture nurbs but I hear its pritty eazy.. no UV maping..
great work.
, 07:31 AM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: stuck in the 90's boston, USA
oh man pls don't say it's easy. because i don't think it is but i h8 texturing.... and rendering. i guess i might try to texture it...someday. hehe
i am yet to see a tutorial on NURBS texturing.... if it's really easy??? anyone have links. i cannot find any. i've googled for hrs and cgtalked for days, and nothing on this site....
, 08:18 AM
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: with PonysGirl
I'm probly not a help at all since I haven't ever really used or textured nurbs.. so read if you want some posibly usless info..
as far as I remember you just make your texture and put it in the color channel. the checker box next to the color. the texture is spaced out along the U and V lines of the nurbs.. you will need a texture for each patch. you could try buy makeing some boxes in photoshop. numbering them and thin useing that for a test texture. to see how it aplys its self.
Just a thought.
I'm gessing that is why there are no tutoreals for textureing nurbs becouse its not like polys.. you don't have to UV map.
There is some about textureing from the Go.... how ever its pronounced whare the tutoral you might have falowed comes from . its called surface paramiterisation I think and it deals in textureing this head. er one much like it.
I don't like UV maping at all.. but there are ways to make it much eazyer.. painting or editing the texture files though is fun I think.
what part(s) of textureing do you not like ?
at any rait.. it looks damn cool how it is !!
, 05:36 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Oct 2003
Hey wow, good job. Too bad it's from a gnomon tutorial But I guess that's what learning is all about! Other than that I think it's a good model. It kind of looks like you altered it a bit too? At any rate, I am also a fan of the gnomon line. I believe they also have a tutorial for patch texturing that same model. Great work!
, 05:42 PM
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Join Date: May 2002
Location: Niagara Falls, Canada
Great stuff.. i hate nurbs but its good if you can master them=)
I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)
, 02:58 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Jun 2003
You got that from Gnomon organic modeling :p
and did a great job at it
, 07:01 AM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: stuck in the 90's boston, USA
oh yea, the character is based on the same gnomon character, but i could not find the tuts or DVD for it. the images were sent from a friend at full sail in florida. i just basically modeled after some tuts from highend 3d . but i hear those gnomon DVDs r gr8, i plan to get the texturing set to help me on texturing. ( as s00n as i get the $money.... tuition is killing me right now
, 12:23 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Johannesburg
Nice model. I like it alot. Nice detail! NURBS rocks!!

, 07:58 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Jul 2003
Hey, great model
How do you handle the alt key + mouse button in linux??
I'm unable to use it properly in Redhat 9.
, 03:26 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Jul 2003
i just basically modeled after some tuts from highend 3d .
Do you have the link to the tut??. I haven't modeled anything complex with NURBS before but looks promising...
My Site
, 07:51 PM
, 12:01 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: New York
some scarrry duude.. :bgreen:
, 03:00 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Jul 2003
Thanks for the tuts man.
and about the alt key in linux.... Redhat 9 messed all up..... so it's useless.
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