thanks man, I appreciate the comment. It's the first and only car I've made and it's still incomplete.Originally posted by Rociru
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
Dude that vector render of that car is AWESOME!!!
/*TTD_Sensitivity Temporally decrease tumble, track and dolly sensitivity*/ dollyCtx -e -scale 0.1 dollyContext; trackCtx -e -trackScale 0.1 trackContext; tumbleCtx -e -tumbleScale 0.1 tumbleContext;
/*TTD_Sensitivity_Release Restore tumble, track and dolly sensitivity*/ dollyCtx -e -scale 1 dollyContext; trackCtx -e -trackScale 1 trackContext; tumbleCtx -e -tumbleScale 1 tumbleContext;