Originally posted by parka
Tired of selecting those back vertices when you only want the front ones?
hello plz enter d plugin link i really want this...........Originally posted by vladimirjp
if u are editing a maya 6.5 to use a maya 6.0 u also need to edit the MR header, since maya 6.5 has a newer version of MR.
this is also easily done via a plugin on highend3d to let you use any file version of maya with any release. just an FYI.
In 3dsmax there is a melt modifier,with that we can easily melth the object,Originally posted by paul utham
how to melt the object
Origionally posted by Jay
it would seem that the workflow requirements of the current project require Low poly "proxies" to be in place and completed before he adds the appropriate edge loops.Now in my case Ive been modelling buildings with as I said alot of repetative parts. I have to create proxy objects first, put on their uv's then go back dupe the object and then create a hi res one from it. This is all great but when you have to add loops to the same object over and over it gets a bit crap, and I really dont want to be moving stuff about once its in position, so here's what Ive figured out and have been doing....