Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 181 17-07-2007 , 02:18 PM
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Looks good, are you using a similar light setup to that like on the video?

Ive had a thorough look through them as well, and must say they are very well explained, especially for one shader! I did a test with one light in the scene coming from the right side and the results were superb! Its a good work flow for sure.

Now onto the mix20...


# 182 17-07-2007 , 02:32 PM
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thats amazing man the eye is sooo realistic

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# 183 17-07-2007 , 07:07 PM
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Yes Jay, I used the same light set up as in the tutorial. And you are saying you got nice results with just 1 light coming from the right? no back lights to bring the back SSS out? Here is a side view render with the same lights as before, the skin does pick some SSS from those lights even though they are not position straight behind it. Maybe you are gettimg something similar.

Thx for the comments Acid user added image

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# 184 17-07-2007 , 07:13 PM
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Hey Minstrel

Im using a harsh spotlight coming from characters right so the left is in almost total darkness. (its a shot for my Outlaws project) Its getting a nice effect of SSS coming in just across the nose, forehead and chin areas. Its not too much but enough to give it a kick and bring it to life. Cool stuff, I may start using it alot more now, as the render times are pretty quick too.


# 185 17-07-2007 , 07:22 PM
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Here have a sneaky peak, the completed shot will go online late tonight.

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# 186 17-07-2007 , 07:30 PM
Posts: n/a
how do you guys do such realistic textures man?!?!?

nice dude Jay only prob is the eyes are too glossyuser added image

# 187 17-07-2007 , 09:33 PM
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Cheers, my textures are hand painted and the eye, its good enough


# 188 18-07-2007 , 12:05 AM
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that looks great Jay. Out of curiosity, can you post an image of your UV map? I noticed in that tutorial that the UV map Alex was using for the head was nothing like ive seen before (the way he would push to the sides the top of the head). Just wondering how you are dealing with the top of the head.

# 189 18-07-2007 , 12:10 AM
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Yeah here you go. I usually planar the top straight down and join it at the forehead. The rest of the face is cylindrically mapped.

Incidently, I mapped overall color channel instead of diffuse on this one as I felt the contrasts were better, I also used the same color map in the epidermis color channel, it picked out a hell ofa lot more detail too.


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# 190 18-07-2007 , 12:47 AM
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thx jay, yeah, i did the same.

# 191 18-07-2007 , 01:57 AM
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looking great, when the hair and eye brows and a bit of face hair goes on .., wow! I have to respect your dogged persistence.

which tutorial is this from?

Jay, looking very noir there, but one would expect that sort of strong contrast for a villain and a crime story, no? a convention!

take it easy and life will be easy
# 192 19-07-2007 , 01:32 AM
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Ah yes, the joy of UV mapping.
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These characters look very realistic. Great job.

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# 193 19-07-2007 , 01:17 PM
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both characters look great lol.

minstrel's shading is looking a bit waxy.

# 194 25-07-2007 , 06:07 PM
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Hey guys, well, I did some more research on UV mapping and photorealistic texturing, since my hand work sucks, and here is what ive gotten so far...I discovered how to use projections for texturing...amazing. The bump and the spec are crap, i havent really touch them. And the color map is half done. I am just amazed how much better this thing looks...the shader is exactly what i had before, i just changed the color texture.

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# 195 26-07-2007 , 01:04 AM
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looks really great.
its come a long way.
good job. keep at it.

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