there's another shader plugin called the p_mega_TK shaders, i have never tried them but some people have had some great results with it. LINKOriginally posted by 99GsTurbo
Ohh dude, I was wondering what you were talking about when u were talking about physical sky shaders lol because i know they have htem in max but i was like damn where at in maya. I def have to try it out, what other good candy do you have for maya
no its not rude im getting quite frustrated with the material it self but im gonna try some other things to see if it worksOriginally posted by acid44
honestly the glass looks like shit but the rest of the render looks greatsorry if i seem rude but you say c&c welcome
i havent really figured out glass but yesterday i was playing around with it for a few hours and got pretty close...Originally posted by younglion
no its not rude im getting quite frustrated with the material it self but im gonna try some other things to see if it works
well last time i checked it was over 3 mil polys and close to 5 milOriginally posted by acid44
by the way whats the polly count on this thing now??? with all that detail id imagine it'd be majorly high...