Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 16 22-03-2004 , 09:27 PM
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Very nice, and Pony's idea is good user added image

# 17 23-03-2004 , 07:25 PM
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yeah, I was thinking about that, and also scanning in a bit of cloth that I feel has the same texture, tint it, and throw it on there, don't know how it will turn out though...
right now, however, I'm working on the rigging (class project, and rigging's due in two weeks time... yar), it's taking forever on just the hand, and there's another hand, and the rest of the body. I don't know if I'll get it done by the due date, I'll certainly try though. most of the stuff is parented, the armor, but weights are such a pain

# 18 27-04-2004 , 08:06 AM
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well, the class is moving along, so here's my little walk cycle (you gotta loop it, and it's divx) but no matter how I tweak the curves it always seems jerky...

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# 19 27-04-2004 , 11:26 AM
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Hi Pilot

As far as the clothing goes I would say that it needs to be a made looser in the areas between the armour, as it looks very skin tight like a scuba outfit at the moment ,by loosening the cloth areas will enable you to cut your mesh a bit more and stick in the extra detail that you want to create more realistic creases, once I get home t,nite I'll post you some cool reference of Jango to have a look at


# 20 28-04-2004 , 09:04 PM
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As Promised

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# 21 29-04-2004 , 12:06 AM
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thank you for the ref, but for right now, I can't change anything (the class is nearly over though). does anyone know how to get my armor getting that same look? thanks in advance! oh! and I also got the weights done on my hands, it's awesome!

# 22 29-04-2004 , 07:57 AM
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and here's the latest, I'm nearly done with painting weights (the neck and it's collars aren't exactly linin up)

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# 23 29-04-2004 , 04:06 PM
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Dude thats looking sweet!!

# 24 01-05-2004 , 01:05 AM
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thanks! hey, does anyone know how to get the armor to sit on the surface of his body? I bend him forwards and it intersects him I bend him backwards and it looks funky. anyone know how to fix that? thanks in advance

# 25 01-05-2004 , 03:32 PM
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Hi Pilot,

Well I hope can help here, firstly is it soft or rigid bind?? Have you created proper skin sets for binding the mesh (not quick sets). And lastly is the armour bound or parented to the rig? Let us know and we'll go from there.


# 26 01-05-2004 , 04:41 PM
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it's a smooth bind for the body, I've tried very hard to paint weights appropriately (some are a bit off, but I'm tryin), and the armor is parented to certain joints. thanks for your response, I really hope something can be figured out

# 27 01-05-2004 , 10:38 PM
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Hey Pilot

Okay, Well I've been mulling this over, and heres a suggestion.
Make Sure that your weights are as good as you can get them for the body only, for your bends and twists etc, but as for your armour on the front body plates, keep them parented and then why dont you make a blend shapes or 2 and drive those with the back bend controls or whatever you have on your rig.

I've been doing this method on some characters at work recently on the clothing as I dont have the time and patience to run cloth set ups!!! It works really well, let me know how you get on.

Also for character set ups, I strongly recommend two really cool books, one is Maya Character Animatio by Jae-jin Choi and the other is Maya Character creation (Modelling and animation controls) by Chris Maraffi

These are well worth it!!! Hope this helps


# 28 02-05-2004 , 05:11 AM
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jeez, is there an easier way to make weights do what you want them to? I mean, I paint them all nice for a few poses, then I repose him, and everything messes up

# 29 02-05-2004 , 11:29 AM
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Hey pilot

Well this is the thing with rigging, I think alot of people dont realise that some production house use more than one rig for characters as they might want them to do some extreme stuff, the Matrix is a prime example of such goings on, as is probably Yoda for EP2 for his lightsabre fight.

Is the character a poly object?? the reason I ask is because if it was a Subdivision Surface you could weight the proxy object using a wrap deformer, which then allows you to create blend shapes for more specific areas of deformation giving you a good result.

Have a look at this link at Steve Stahlbergs site cos this is a method he uses most of the time and its really quick to set up!!


# 30 06-05-2004 , 10:08 PM
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well, I finished the school project, I'll be able to post the finished version tomorrow. now that the class is over I'm going to use the head to create a (hopefully) accurate version of myself wearing normal clothes, having hair, etc. so right now i'm trying to get a good skin texture down, with the subscatter thing from lightengine 3d, only problem is, I have no idea how to work it or get it to look right. hopefully I'll be able to figure it out, or someone else knows how to use it and can give me a hint... anyway, thanks for your replies!

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