Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 16 12-06-2004 , 08:01 PM
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wtf!!!!***!!! I am so dissapointed with Portugal!!!!
Always sad nervous and pessimistic!!! No killer instinct.
My head is hurting now. Ronaldo is good for the future but now they are shafted.
Rui Costa completely screwed a free header. Man did not even hit the target!!!!

Kevin...Figo did run around a lot though.

They have to beat Russia + Spain. I doubt they will beat Spain. Spain in Portugals biggest rival so I think the Portugese will bottle out completely against them.

I hope they prove me wrong for a change. My wife told me before the match not to expect anything from the Portugese team.

:-( bahhhh!!!! bahhhh!!! I love Portugal!!!! bahhhh!!!

Do you think Portugal is out?????????


Last edited by slickrenderer; 12-06-2004 at 08:06 PM.
# 17 12-06-2004 , 08:03 PM
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Come on England!!!!
Apparently both England and France will play for a draw tomorrow.

# 18 12-06-2004 , 08:09 PM
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Originally posted by slickrenderer

Kevin...Figo did run around a lot though.

yes but it isnt a race :p

he was fat, lazy and never chased back - they deserved to lose.

remember at real madrid he is playing along side 10 world class players all the time so if he dont play well (which is more often then not) the likes of zidane and the lads will hold him up :p

# 19 12-06-2004 , 08:13 PM
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and yes I think they will go out, they may get a draw against russia but wont beat spain.

for england - if gerald and owen play well then they could get some kind of result, although I dont think owen is playing his best atm he is a big game player and never let england down... lets face it: if owen wasnt scoring can you see anyone who is going to?

maybe rooney the od 1 or 2 but no-one else

# 20 12-06-2004 , 08:27 PM
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bahhhh!!!! :-(

Kevin <<<<< bearer of bad news...unfortunately I agree with you.
I feel beat down!!!

Portugal midfielder Luis Figo >>> "We didn't deserve to lose - Greece had two chances and scored both times "

Well you f***in lost anyway didn't you!!!****!!!!???
I think I will have to drink some Porto wine and put myself to sleep :-)

# 21 12-06-2004 , 08:32 PM
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"if owen wasnt scoring can you see anyone who is going to"

bahhhh!!! D James might score few own goals :-(

# 22 12-06-2004 , 08:36 PM
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well it wasnt pretty but we won... give the guys some time to get more comfortable and this year well probably kick the french team assuser added image
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Last edited by dragonfx; 12-06-2004 at 08:38 PM.
# 23 12-06-2004 , 08:41 PM
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I think Portugal will win the next 2 matches. Trust me!!!
Looks like the wine went straignt to my head :-)

P.S- Where is Roach105 anyway? Looks like he got drunk during the match and is sleeping of his disapointment :-)

Oh! screw it I better get over it now!!! and get on with my
life!!! :-(


Last edited by slickrenderer; 12-06-2004 at 08:45 PM.
# 24 12-06-2004 , 08:48 PM
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Originally posted by slickrenderer

Well you f***in lost anyway didn't you!!!****!!!!???
I think I will have to drink some Porto wine and put myself to sleep :-)

LOL very true bro - lazy ass figo, that whole team need a kick up the ass, I think they was thinking it was a friendly. Any ways mate I agree with your David James.. I cant even imagine why that loser is there! He is such a liability, nothing has change since he left Liverpol - the only thing is that he isnt in the spot light as much - he is STILL as crap if not craper.

He cannot command his area, cannot collect crosses and cannot communicate with his back 4. And if (and no desrepect here spurs fans) Leslie King is 1 of our best defender in the whole of england then we are truly in deep shit lol

# 25 12-06-2004 , 09:04 PM
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user added imageuser added imageim concerned about Casillas having to stop Zidane on the finals... user added imageuser added image XDDDDDDDDDDDDD

# 26 13-06-2004 , 04:50 AM
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Greece played well, huh ? - I didnt see the penalty tho, was it just?

and congratulations to Spain with a well deserved win over Russia.

Carsten Lind
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# 27 13-06-2004 , 05:48 AM
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Greese did not play well BUT they played effective football ie. they did what they had to do to win.

1st goal Portugal gave away. Even after the ball was given the Greek guy should have been closed down and not given the chance to shoot. The goalkeeper should have still saved it!!!!

2nd Goal- Ronaldo gave the ball away in Greek area he then chased after the ball all the way to his own penalty area and bought the Greek guy down. It was a penalty.
The German T.V host was saying that Portugal just like to play beautifull football and are too fair ie. don't do too many professional fouls.
Ronaldo should have bought down the Greek guy long time before he got into the penalty box.

I am still not giving up hope!!!! FORCA Portugal!!!! They will beat Russia 3-2 and beat Spain 2-1. MARK MY WORDS!!! (OK don't mark it then :-)
Deco has to play from the start so does Ronaldo. Put the under 21 team goalkeeper in the goal much better than the slow Ricardo.
Rui costa is one of my all time favourite players but he is spent force man.
To win you need to score how is one stricker Pauleta going to do it on his own??? Felt sorry for him he did not get one descent pass in the whole match!!!!

I hope they play as a team and not as grandmothers with big egoes. There destiny is still in their hands. Portugal will prove everyone wrong and lift the Euro Cup arghh!¨uhmm!! uhmm!!


Last edited by slickrenderer; 13-06-2004 at 06:05 AM.
# 28 13-06-2004 , 05:52 AM
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It's so strange I am not Portugese but I am more cut up than the Portugese!!! :-)
Amazing what loving someone does to you :-)

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Last edited by slickrenderer; 13-06-2004 at 09:35 AM.
# 29 13-06-2004 , 09:12 AM
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Excellent quote from Garry Linekar-

"Portugal have just found that it's not easy to remove Greece".

Good place to watch virtual replay in shockwave...

Kevin what do you predict for England v France match?

I saw 3-1 to France unfortunately or maybe 1-1.


Last edited by slickrenderer; 13-06-2004 at 10:33 AM.
# 30 13-06-2004 , 12:28 PM
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hmm I think if david james is in goal then 3-1 to france, If however he isnt then we might scrap a 1-1.

Dont get me wrong I really want england to win ... we have a better chance then the world cup as gerrald is playing and in my opinion he is the best english midfield player around.

So if he can link with owen then we could nick a goal... but we shall see user added image

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