Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 16 05-10-2004 , 01:36 PM
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I want to learn Maya

I'm sorry for saying that Maya is the best without any kind of 3D Modelling experience, but I was clear when I said that I have several friends (professionals) that work in this field and they told me that they prefer Maya.

I'll start learning Maya and maybe another one, but I'll focus on Maya. That's what I want, that's why I'm here talking with you and asking for your help. That's all.....

One more time, thanks to everyone!user added image

# 17 05-10-2004 , 05:17 PM
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Don't apologize for your statements. You did/said nothing wrong! I think we sometimes forget that English is not the language of all posters. vladimirjp and I were out of line in bringing discord to your thread and I do apologize for this. However I do stand by all I said. In earnest, I sincerely believe Maya to be an excellent choice of programs and I trust my family members, associates and friends in the industry who recommended it to me as a program to learn. That said, I wish you the very best and good luck. A lot of us are in the same boat (trying to learn an incredibly difficult program) and wondering if we truly made the correct choice.


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# 18 05-10-2004 , 05:37 PM
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ok let me give a "pro's" point of view:

Maya is good in a work environment because:
1. it allows us much more access to the inner workings of the program than any other 3d program out there. Everything is a mel script or a plugin and that allows us to rip them apart and make them work for us. The scripting whilst not always the nicest thing to do allows us to perform some neat tricks within the hypergraph to make the program function pretty much how we need it to.

2. The price has come down hugely recently, it's cheaper than max now I believe (dont quote me on that!)

3. Many effects houses (us included) have built up huge libraries of scripts and stuff that use maya and to convert them over to another package would be a massive pain in the arse!

4. It's interface to prman is very mature and although many effects houses have their own inhouse stuff (the pain that this is causing me on a daily basis is imeasurable right now!! user added image)

5. It's dynamics are pretty sh*t hot and come as standard with complete (Again don't quote me on that i didnt check!)

6. The learning curve isn't that steep. Try learning houdini user added image and max has way more buttons and stuff all over the place last time i looked! user added image

7. Maya's been around for years and there are a lot more professionnnal maya peeps out there than most packages and so you have a much wider pool of people to employ from.

So it's not all about the package and it's features... but it's pointless to say that one is better than the other because they all have strengths and weaknesses. Just use what you're comfortable with and make your stuff look good.... user added image

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# 19 05-10-2004 , 05:57 PM
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Originally posted by Pure_Morning
ok let me give a "pro's" point of view: [snip]

6. The learning curve isn't that steep. [snip]

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Thank you for your insight. You have restored my wavering confidence.


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# 20 05-10-2004 , 06:07 PM
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Originally posted by Pure_Morning
ok let me give a "pro's" point of view:

So it's not all about the package and it's features... but it's pointless to say that one is better than the other because they all have strengths and weaknesses. Just use what you're comfortable with and make your stuff look good.... user added image

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Amen to thatuser added image

# 21 05-10-2004 , 06:43 PM
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at the end of the day you probably have picked the best package IMHO because if you can learn maya you can learn any of them.

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# 22 05-10-2004 , 07:31 PM
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Originally posted by Pure_Morning
at the end of the day you probably have picked the best package

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omg, u just have just rebutted your own statement of "So it's not all about the package and it's features... but it's pointless to say that one is better than the other because they all have strengths and weaknesses. Just use what you're comfortable with and make your stuff look good.... "

If maya is the best package to learn, what are the other packages, the worst? maybe he has not picked the best package to learn, while some things he can do in max in a day, it may take him weeks to even "learn" how to work some features in maya. i wish that i had learned a different package, like max, when i first started doing 3d, so much i could have accomplished instead of spending months to learn how to work a tool and modifying it with MEL, or learn "work arounds" etc... [which you need to do on a normal basis in maya]

i mean even comparing renders in maya to renderers in max, you can see the huge difference from the works of intermediate users from max and maya.

so spend 1-2yrs just "learning" how to use a tool, as many n00bies here do [no pun intended, i see the same Questions over and over here] or spend 1 yr actually using the tools that are readily available like in studio max or C4D.

IMHO, after you have the knowledge from apps like max or XSI, if you go to maya, you will find that learning it becomes a breeze, since you will have a better understanding of 3d and then you will be able to spend your time in maya's tool set and advanced shader and dynamic features and actually make something that "looks good"

but maya is targeted i think to a different market than C4D or other apps outthere.
if u are a freelancer, use max, just because of the things that are readily available to you to get your work done fast,
if you work for a big studio, like Pure_Morning here, then having maya in your pipeline is a smart move. simply because of its scalibility and of course MEL [also the ability to mess with the api etc]

my 2 cents

# 23 05-10-2004 , 08:14 PM
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You don't like how things are run in this forum? Too bad. Registration here is free to the public, but you are not necessarily free to say and do what you want. This is a privately owned domain. You have been granted the privilege to post on these forums, and you must abide by the rules set forth by the administrators. They decide what is ok to do/say and what is not. No if's, and's or but's.

Also, I have heard you complain ad nauseum about why Maya sucks, why other programs are better, etc. If you really don't like using Maya so much, why don't you switch to the one of the other programs? You say you wished you had learned something else other than Maya, that you would have been doing more work if you were using something else. Stop whining. Stop complaining. Do something about it. Bitching and moaning on web forums and IRC won't get you anywhere. If you feel that you will be more productive in another program, switch to another program and get to work.

Danny Ngan
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# 24 05-10-2004 , 09:04 PM
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Originally posted by dannyngan

Also, I have heard you complain ad nauseum about why Maya sucks, why other programs are better, etc. If you really don't like using Maya so much, why don't you switch to the one of the other programs? You say you wished you had learned something else other than Maya, that you would have been doing more work if you were using something else. Stop whining. Stop complaining. Do something about it. Bitching and moaning on web forums and IRC won't get you anywhere. If you feel that you will be more productive in another program, switch to another program and get to work.


i never said anything about maya sucking, you are putting words in my mouth, and i like using maya.
i just don't see why ppl have conception of a program the is the "best" of all apps or is the "best" to use.
and i have used other programs besides maya.
that's why i can say i have experience using other apps unlike many who just claim that maya is the best only having used maya for about 1 month or so.

Originally posted by dannyngan

You don't like how things are run in this forum? Too bad. Registration here is free to the public, but you are not necessarily free to say and do what you want. This is a privately owned domain. You have been granted the privilege to post on these forums, and you must abide by the rules set forth by the administrators. They decide what is ok to do/say and what is not. No if's, and's or but's.

i never said i did not like how things are run on the forums,
i just don't see why i cannot mention the name of another company. not like i'm saying one is better than the other, [e.g. not being able to mention 3d max on alias's forums... that's obsurd. ]
i do not represent gnom0n or who ever, i'm not saying they are better or worse, just don't see how mentioning the names can in anyway stops SM from selling merchandise or products.
And as for the "privillege" of posting here, what are you implying... i don't understand how posting here is a privilege when it a public forum. if it was a classified forum where only invited ppl could post, i could undestand how it would be a "privilege"
what is so privileging about postiong here?
any way back to the topic of which app is the best.
i stand by my "opinion"; which everyone is entitled.

# 25 05-10-2004 , 09:59 PM
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Originally posted by vladimirjp
i never said anything about maya sucking, you are putting words in my mouth, and i like using maya.
i just don't see why ppl have conception of a program the is the "best" of all apps or is the "best" to use.
and i have used other programs besides maya.
that's why i can say i have experience using other apps unlike many who just claim that maya is the best only having used maya for about 1 month or so.

Having paid attention to a good portion of what you talk about on IRC, it seems to me that you are regularly complaining about about how Maya doesn't do this and that and how another program does it, or how stupid/limited/sucky/[insert adjective of choice] many features are. The constant flow of those types of comments leads me to think that you are always having a hard time dealing with Maya or not enjoying it all.

I agree that there really is no "best" 3D application. I, too, have used many different applications, and I still use both Max and Maya regularly. It does annoy me sometimes when people claim that one application is the absolute best when that's the only one they've ever used. This goes for users of any 3D application.

Bottom line is people should use use whatever gets the job done or whatever they prefer. What's best for you and your work is not necessarily best for someone else. It's good to get opinions from other people on what they think is good or bad about the particular program they use, but don't let that be the only basis for your judgement. You should try out the program if you can, spend some time with it, and see for yourself what is best for you.

Originally posted by vladimirjp
i never said i did not like how things are run on the forums,
i just don't see why i cannot mention the name of another company. not like i'm saying one is better than the other, [e.g. not being able to mention 3d max on alias's forums... that's obsurd. ]
i do not represent gnom0n or who ever, i'm not saying they are better or worse, just don't see how mentioning the names can in anyway stops SM from selling merchandise or products.
And as for the "privillege" of posting here, what are you implying... i don't understand how posting here is a privilege when it a public forum. if it was a classified forum where only invited ppl could post, i could undestand how it would be a "privilege"
what is so privileging about postiong here?
any way back to the topic of which app is the best.
i stand by my "opinion"; which everyone is entitled.

I believe that the censoring of the words is just a catch-all script. Originally, we had to manually edit links to competitors' sites, and that got to be a hassle. Automated editing just saves some time. It's not perfect, but it works.

Not mentioning other sites is just a matter of business. It's been discussed before, so I won't go into it again here. If you really have a problem with it, take it up with Kevin or David.

Posting here is a privilege, because the site owners allow you to. This is a privately run and funded business. It is providing a service under its terms. They've opened up registration so that the public can register and post messages.

Privilege might be too strong of a word, but that's the main idea. You have permission to participate in these forums. There are rules of etiquette you must follow in this community. Public does not mean free-for-all, do whatever you want, say whatever you want. It just means the public has access to the forums.

Those are my opinions. Feel free to agree or disagree.

And, back to the main topic... user added image

I prefer Maya over Max most of the time. The workflow suits me better, MEL scripting is far more flexible than MaxScript, and Maya is cross-platform (important for those of us working outside of Windows). I don't think it's the "best" program, but it is my preferred tool.

Danny Ngan
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# 26 06-10-2004 , 08:25 AM
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omg, u just have just rebutted your own statement

no i haven't as i prefixed it with IMHO so i haven't gone against what i said! jeez!

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# 27 06-10-2004 , 10:42 AM
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Originally posted by Pure_Morning
at the end of the day you probably have picked the best package IMHO because if you can learn maya you can learn any of them.

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Thank you, I personally needed to hear that.

All great projects succeed one step at a time. One lone step firmly placed.
# 28 06-10-2004 , 02:22 PM
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Ok people!!!

Let's back to work!! I appreciated all your opinions and all of you concluded the same thing: There are good and bad things in each 3D application so everyone is free to choose the good things of each application and work on it to get the best result.

Thanks user added image

# 29 06-10-2004 , 06:38 PM
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Originally posted by Pure_Morning
no i haven't as i prefixed it with IMHO so i haven't gone against what i said! jeez!

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flip flop user added image :p
i did vote for maya, before i voted against it !user added image
relax guy. jeez,
what u stated b4 was also your opinion...
anyhowuser added image

# 30 12-10-2004 , 12:42 AM
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Regardless of which 3D program is better than the other.....your still here right?

nuff said....this issue has been dabated over and over again.

Key thing your research....because it's ultimately you who must decide which one is bestuser added image

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