thats maya pre 101..
but i'll humour us all and tell you; you need to export your 'iff's to something like After Effects, any compositing package.., and render from there
you will not get good results fro rendering AVI in maya.
VideoMach, Fusion, Combustion, After effects, motion.., ect.., anyone of these.., VideMach is free (sort of)
if this is for real, and you REALLY dont know, then get mikes free tut on compositing.., look through the free tuts.., its called either 'rendering' or 'composting.'
its a process that starts at your render globals (and i know you know what that is) select 'name # extenstion.., put in the frames you want rendered.., frame pading.., check the next tab for 'production quality' and 'batch render .
take that into After Effects.
I gotta say.., your a killer..,