Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 16 19-09-2011 , 07:41 PM
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I know how its done. I already pointed out why i think you have your problem.
sorry I would help more, but i'm not keen on doing your work for you and i'm pretty busy with my own stuff.
...I like your accent by the way.

# 17 19-09-2011 , 07:48 PM
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I know how its done. I already pointed out why i think you have your problem.
sorry I would help more, but i'm not keen on doing your work for you and i'm pretty busy with my own stuff.
...I like your accent by the way.

thank you for your tip
it was not sufficiant....

its a creation, not a job
i do this for funn, not for my job
learning maya is not easy...
so thats why i ask help, to get a broughter understanding of what maya is capable of
my own experience is simply not enough to get this working....

thx for sharing you precious time....
have funn.....

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# 18 19-09-2011 , 08:46 PM
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Last edited by NextDesign; 19-09-2011 at 08:51 PM.
# 19 19-09-2011 , 09:12 PM
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Here ya go! Hopefully it helps you out a bit.

Bending question response - YouTube

thx for sharing your solution

it is not realy helping me.....
because when i envision doing this a couple of hundered times it is a to complexed way

most likely i have to find a complete new bending solution
this technique that is in the testfile is related to a scale

my thoughts go out to something that measures the distance
and a setting option i can tell..... this distance is straight
keeps a sphere/cluster in the centre of that distance
and larger distance is bend positive, smaller distance bend negative.....

it seems such a simple question
but the answer is still beyond my capabilities

there must be an easy solution to my question....
the bending in my testfile is still a pretty difficult one....

i have to do it a couple of hundred times in my animation and with different lengths.....

so i am looking for a more easy way to do it.....

anyway.... thank you for all your effort....
and know i apreciate it very much.....

maybe we can talk through skype one day and find together through that more interactive channel a solution.....


feel free to share solutions....;-)

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# 20 19-09-2011 , 09:33 PM
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You could script what I did very easily.

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# 21 20-09-2011 , 12:14 AM
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You could script what I did very easily.

then you assume i can write these scripts....;-)

i'm just scrathing the possibilities of maya

i know basics in modeling animation coloring and lighting
and then my knowledge is gone....

these more complex matters i have idea's on the how to, but actualy doing it is a complete new reality...;-)

cause i did not go to a school for maya i only have learned what i need, and do not have a clue of all the options maya has inside, also because my english is not that good that i understand all the words in maya's interface.....

so many struggles for me when i want to create with maya.....
but i keep learning every time i want to build something....
and that i love doing.....;-)

so my learning curve is very slow
and am greatfull for people like yourself who point out certain stuff to me and try to help me construct what i like....

so thank you again.....
i downloaded your video again and put it in my archive....

i will keep searching for a fitting solution that is right on the kisser of my goal....
step by step i will get there.....
maybe this question is still to much for me....
patience i have.... so i will keep focus on something different for a while....
when the time is right the solution will be here....


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# 22 20-09-2011 , 03:55 AM
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Hi everyone. This was something leoie PMed me, and I thought it might help some other people as well.

is there an option to make the < and > 40
something like ... distance value previous frame

// WORKING 50%

if (distanceDimensionShape3.distance == 40)
Centre_Sphere.translateY = 0;
else if (distanceDimensionShape3.distance > 40)
Centre_Sphere.translateY = Centre_Sphere.translateY - 1;

else if (distanceDimensionShape3.distance < 40)
Centre_Sphere.translateY = Centre_Sphere.translateY + 1;

Hey Rob,

Your expression has a problem with it, the same problem that I addressed in the first video. Your expression is incrementing Y based on it's last position, therefore whenever the distance is greater than 40, the sphere will continue downwards.

Distance: 40, TranslateY = 0
Distance: 41, TranslateY = -1
Distance: 42, TranslateY = -2
Distance: 43, TranslateY = -3

That's no problem; however you run into a problem when it's descending.

Distance: 43, TranslateY = -10
Distance: 42, TranslateY = -11
Distance: 41, TranslateY = -12
Distance: 40, TranslateY = 0

It's better to use a ratio, or equation, using the distance node, rather than incrementing relative to itself.


Taking the definition of a line, the equation is y = m*x + b. Where m is the slope of the line, x is the position on the x axis, y is the position on the y axis, and b is a vertical-shift constant. We can therefore make it more-suited to your problem by making it translateY = slope*distance + vShift

To determine the factors, do the following:

Since you want the translateY to decrease by 1 every 1 increase in distance, m = -1.

Since you want translateY to be 0 at distance 40, b = 40.

Therefore you end up with y = -1 * x + 40; translateY = -1 * distance + 40.

Plugging in some example values, you get:

Distance: 30, TranslateY = 10
Distance: 39, TranslateY = 1
Distance: 40, TranslateY = 0
Distance: 41, TranslateY = -1
Distance: 50, TranslateY = -10

Here's what the resultant graph looks like:

user added image

Hopefully this makes sense.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Last edited by NextDesign; 20-09-2011 at 04:06 AM.
# 23 20-09-2011 , 02:42 PM
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Hi everyone. This was something leoie PMed me, and I thought it might help some other people as well.

Hey Rob,

Your expression has a problem with it, the same problem that I addressed in the first video. Your expression is incrementing Y based on it's last position, therefore whenever the distance is greater than 40, the sphere will continue downwards.

Distance: 40, TranslateY = 0
Distance: 41, TranslateY = -1
Distance: 42, TranslateY = -2
Distance: 43, TranslateY = -3

That's no problem; however you run into a problem when it's descending.

Distance: 43, TranslateY = -10
Distance: 42, TranslateY = -11
Distance: 41, TranslateY = -12
Distance: 40, TranslateY = 0

It's better to use a ratio, or equation, using the distance node, rather than incrementing relative to itself.


Taking the definition of a line, the equation is y = m*x + b. Where m is the slope of the line, x is the position on the x axis, y is the position on the y axis, and b is a vertical-shift constant. We can therefore make it more-suited to your problem by making it translateY = slope*distance + vShift

To determine the factors, do the following:

Since you want the translateY to decrease by 1 every 1 increase in distance, m = -1.

Since you want translateY to be 0 at distance 40, b = 40.

Therefore you end up with y = -1 * x + 40; translateY = -1 * distance + 40.

Plugging in some example values, you get:

Distance: 30, TranslateY = 10
Distance: 39, TranslateY = 1
Distance: 40, TranslateY = 0
Distance: 41, TranslateY = -1
Distance: 50, TranslateY = -10

Here's what the resultant graph looks like:

user added image

Hopefully this makes sense.

thx for the warning.....;-)

will see if i can get my head around this....
was never a big math fan in school.....

when it is working i will post my result here aswell.....

thank you....

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# 24 20-09-2011 , 02:50 PM
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It's very simple to implement. I was just showing how I derived that equation.

Centre_Sphere.translateY = -1 * distanceDimensionShape3.distance + 40;
No if statements required. This would be very easy, faster, and better implemented using utility nodes.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Last edited by NextDesign; 20-09-2011 at 02:52 PM.
# 25 20-09-2011 , 02:52 PM
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It's very simple to implement.

Centre_Sphere.translateY = -1 * distanceDimensionShape3.distance + 40;
No if statements required.


gonna test this immediatly.....
many thx......

still have to see if this math stuff can stick to my brain aswell....
pretty important to get my head around.....;-)

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# 26 20-09-2011 , 03:03 PM
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It's very simple to implement. I was just showing how I derived that equation.

Centre_Sphere.translateY = -1 * distanceDimensionShape3.distance + 40;
No if statements required. This would be very easy, faster, and better implemented using utility nodes.

this is amazing.....
its working very smoothly.....

now i'm finding a way to get my extrusion stay in place....

this is the best aproach, very smoothly and adjustable in length very easy....
great stuf.....

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# 27 20-09-2011 , 03:46 PM
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It's very simple to implement. I was just showing how I derived that equation.

Centre_Sphere.translateY = -1 * distanceDimensionShape3.distance + 40;
No if statements required. This would be very easy, faster, and better implemented using utility nodes.

seems it is time to give up for now....

when i attach this to my animated spheres it goes bezirk again....

the concept seems so simple

draw 2 interactive lines between two moving objects
use one of these lines as new axe
the other to extrude a tube along
measure the changing distance between the 2 objects,
divide it in 2 and, place a sphere along the new axe, in the changing middle of these 2 objects,
move this sphere up and down in relation to the changes in length, and position of the axe,
this centre sphere adjusts the bending of the line meant for extrusion
and then be able to duplicate and rotate this bended extrusion 120 degrees twice on this new axe, to have 3 tubes instead of 1

the bezirk comes in mostlikely cause the centre spheres position is related to the positions in xyz of the 2 moving objects and not the new axe/vector between the 2 moving objects....

i thank you all for thinking with me.....
if one of you can find a solution to this, and is willing to share it with me.....
feel free to drop the answer
cause this answer is way out of my basic maya skills it seems.....

thank you all


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# 28 21-09-2011 , 04:30 AM
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Ahh the story of my life. Many of the things you think will be simple, turn out to be much more difficult. This is why there are supervisors in the industry, to let the client know what is easy, and what is hard to do; and plan accordingly.

What you're dealing with here are constraints, expressions, utility nodes, animation, math, and history, all working together. Each time you add another entity, it makes it that much more complicated, and increases the probability that something will go wrong. This makes the interactions between each entity quite complicated, especially to a person that is new to the technical under-workings of Maya.

One potential reason why your objects would be going crazy would be through double-transformation. Say you have an expression evaluating on the translate X Y and Z of an object. Then you animated the translation of this object. You would then have two inputs going to the same value, which will cause problems.

What you're trying to accomplish is absolutely possible with Maya. I myself could do this for you, but it's my goal to help you learn how to do it yourself.

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# 29 21-09-2011 , 12:24 PM
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Ahh the story of my life. Many of the things you think will be simple, turn out to be much more difficult. This is why there are supervisors in the industry, to let the client know what is easy, and what is hard to do; and plan accordingly.

What you're dealing with here are constraints, expressions, utility nodes, animation, math, and history, all working together. Each time you add another entity, it makes it that much more complicated, and increases the probability that something will go wrong. This makes the interactions between each entity quite complicated, especially to a person that is new to the technical under-workings of Maya.

One potential reason why your objects would be going crazy would be through double-transformation. Say you have an expression evaluating on the translate X Y and Z of an object. Then you animated the translation of this object. You would then have two inputs going to the same value, which will cause problems.

What you're trying to accomplish is absolutely possible with Maya. I myself could do this for you, but it's my goal to help you learn how to do it yourself.

i understand your reasoning....
that is also why i sayd i gonna leave it for now....

i already have many momemts like these on my playfull journey with maya
experience says... let it go, keep doing what you know and are able to get your head around and one day you will find the answer....

in this case it involves so may elements i have lost track of what i am doing.....
and have an idea where it goes wrong, but have no idea how to solve it....
so at the moment i am stuck in my way of thinking/aproach, to come up with a good question....

do you maybe can point out a good video tutorial or book that could learn me more about the inner workings of maya

thank you....???

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# 30 27-09-2011 , 07:52 PM
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Thank you all for the help i recieved.....

there is one little hickup that i did not solve yet
any ideas on it are welcome.....

Thanks.mp4 - YouTube

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