it is not meant for final object. just wanted to have something so i see where the verts are without needing them to show up. and it helps me to keep the model clean.Originally posted by alexgc
wow that red and blue man - its really psychadelic...cant look at it for too long![]()
neither. the face is the first poly model so far in this project - the others are still nurbs. and i am not starting with a primitive shape, unless you call a poly plane primitive shape. for the face i "stitched" together a few poly planes and based on that made use of split polygon tool and merge vertices. and usually i make massive use of the create polygon tool, combining, and merging verts.Do you create ur poly models from a primitive shape or do u use a poly mesh?
the head was once a half sphere, one pole (inside the mouth) was cutted out the other is at back of head. then it was massive use of pulling cvs, inserting isoparms, and pulling more cvs. after the half was about ready i duplicated, scaled along a axis to mirror, and attached both halfes. after it was closed, i moved the seam away from the nose. so it is not patches - only one closed surface, which has one hole (inside mouth). all other holes (the eyesockets, the ears, the horns) will be trimmed out - and fillet blended with horns, ears, and eye sockets.thats awesome!!!, now how did you make that head?? patches???