OKAY! Missed this thread before.
Ponys girl, it was something about how if the Architect did not give us a Choice as to accept the matrix, then we didn't and they lost "entire crops" the minds rejected it. Therefore the anomoly was unavoidable, and yet they are still trying to get rid of it.
As soon as neo "FELT" the squidies, i KNEW that the "real world" could be another step in the matrix. So you are not alone, as i did consider it, and after some thought decided it is the only explanation. IN FACT, after seing the 13th floor along time ago, i've always considered things like that. So it wasn't a huge suprise, but more just really overwhelming with all the other AMAZING things in this movie. OMG i HAVE to see revolutions......
"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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