Digital humans the art of the digital double
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# 16 02-09-2003 , 09:30 PM
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Well, for the bend you can try deform>create nonlinear>bend, and play with it (remeber to press t to show manipulator). Now I don't know how to "bake" the triangle in after the deform yet, I'm still waiting for somebody else to rescue me on that one.

And I would like to know how to create mountains, too. Help anyone?user added image

# 17 02-09-2003 , 09:54 PM
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For the mountain, maybe this thread will get you started. It may make your polycount crazy high, though. Another way would be to take a plane and just start pulling and pushing. Another way would be to just start with a cube primitive and start splitting polygons, extruding this way and that. That would give you the rough, look of the one sketch with the station tucked in the mountain cliff.

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# 18 03-09-2003 , 12:08 AM
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Mountains and Bends........

OK Thanks user added image

BTW I saw that thread but yeah, I agree about the poly count and thought that Mike would have kittens if he saw me messing with all those triangles on this challenge.. Looks really cool tho.... user added image
I thought of making a Big wide flat Cube with loads of subdivisions on the surface as the plane, kind of like NitroLiq's second choice, have had some success - but if anyone has a better idea...?

When I tried using a plane, (Tried that before the cube) I could not get it to lift up? I will check settings....I imagine it may lower poly count a lot....But for some reason mine would not 'lift' up....


Will sleep a bit then try it all out...... user added image

# 19 03-09-2003 , 12:13 AM
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Keep in mind that you are not responsible for creating the terrain, sky, etc.

To bake a deformation, Delete history.

# 20 03-09-2003 , 07:21 PM
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I lost some of my models!
Dunno how but it happened to all today's work!
I also have that (losing connection problem) again. I traced to a faulty cable so need rewiring... user added image
OK Everyone else seems to have a 'Workstation' - I wonder? did we all start with that?
So here's what I did yesterday ....


Attached Thumbnails
# 21 03-09-2003 , 07:23 PM
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Hmmm I don't like the look of the side of the monitor maybe I should re-do... Yes I should ... It's naff.....And has loads of un-needed poly's... Only just clicked now.

# 22 03-09-2003 , 08:01 PM
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Scaling is wrong?

I have a question about the Scaling/Measuring on this Challenge.
OK I used the '1 Grid space = 1 foot' to make sure everything is scaled right, but there's many instances where I want to turn the Grid 'off' - or measure a models 'height' and so I cannot see the Grid.
I started using the CREATE>Measure Tools>Distance tool, but soon realized it was working on a different range....

How do I set this? It would be a BIG help... user added image

Regards Scraggy

# 23 03-09-2003 , 08:09 PM
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The measure tool should be set to units. If not, check the options, I suppose.

Watch out for the number of polys at the edges of your chair. It's kinda high. You could half the geometry at those hinge areas easily.

# 24 03-09-2003 , 09:27 PM
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Yes I was going to say that as well. Low poly unfortunately means sharper angles. You might also want to look at that sphere, perhaps reducing the number of sections a bit.

# 25 04-09-2003 , 01:51 PM
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OK Thanks - But Icarus, I really should have explained - When I'm modelling I have a couple of those 'Block and sphere' thingymajigs (The dumb looking thing behind the chair) hanging around my scene.
They are only there to help me get the scale right, one is set to 6' (Man's height) and I have another one, shorter to represent someone sitting. It just helps me visualize better but I forgot to delete it out.

B.T.W. That chair is 'History' - all gone. Will re-do with less sections on the curves, should look OK methinks - Ta for help...
Hmm I'm really struggling on this one...I just 'ain't into space type things so finding inspiration hard to come by. Laters

# 26 04-09-2003 , 03:46 PM
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Problems problems.

Strange thing just happened. I deleted those 'Hinge' faces to make a new lower poly one, but this left a hole in bottom of back and back of seat..
As I need a Face to create the wedge again, I thought I would try 'Fill Hole' .... Hmm It left this sort of wierd black thing with no selectable edges? So I tried extrude edge, but it came out at 45 Degrees.... So how am I supposed to fill this hole..? Any ideas.?

# 27 04-09-2003 , 04:30 PM
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Try using the append to polygon tool instead (polygons/append to polygon tool); it can be a handy tool to have in your shelf if it is not there already, as Mike mentioned in the challenge thread.

Select it, select the object and the edges available for appending will be highlighted in thicker green than the rest. Click on the first edge or on the purple target triangle, and then on a second one and a new face will be created, filling your hole. I find append polys useful as you can dictate where the fill goes; handy for uneven shapes.

Last edited by Witchy; 04-09-2003 at 04:34 PM.
# 28 04-09-2003 , 05:26 PM
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Ta very much :D

Thanks for that.. I will go and re-read mike's list and go through that list of tools...... Learning 'Bevel' and 'Wedge' has Improved my modelling, but sometimes its hard to rembember to use it, and I go extruding away - only to realize later I could have made life a lot simpler with a quick 'Bevel' so to speak user added image
That 'Apend Poly's' looks like a must have to me...


# 29 05-09-2003 , 05:19 AM
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I would go and just make the edges of your chair a 45 degree poly or something. I am liking where this is going.. i can start to see it user added image. keep it up.

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# 30 05-09-2003 , 01:18 PM
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A regular Goldmine!!!!!!

Whoooaaaa !!! Just found exactly what I needed, and it's all on the Alias site.... 3D-101 ......!!!!!!
I picked Polygons from the dropdown and there are all these cool little Flash vid's explaining each tool, I probably would have seen it earlier, but have NEVER been able to find my way around their site properly even before the change. I got it bookmarked now...
I wrote this JIC someone else needs tut's on Poly's and doesn't know they are there....

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