Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 31 18-09-2004 , 02:21 PM
murph's Avatar
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wow, what a difference, looking great surfer!

# 32 18-09-2004 , 02:50 PM
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Great start on the textures...

Not sure if you have tme but a few suggestions.

1) make the color in the eye a lot brighter. This will help give him a bit more life/soul.

2) In photoshop lighten up parts of the bump on the nose, face as well as his lower legs and tail. This will give his skin a bit more realizm like real animals. Also if you have time ramdomize the shapes/scales of the skin a bit=)

Im sure you cursing me hehe

Again great character.. looking forward to the final=)


I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)
# 33 19-09-2004 , 07:30 PM
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Dude!!!! I love that DINO!!!! Cool job man! i'd love to see it completed!

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# 34 19-09-2004 , 08:17 PM
RubberChicken's Avatar
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Nice work on the model, its fantastic. Also Im gald my rat metaphore was included in the dinos name user added image

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# 35 19-09-2004 , 10:09 PM
t3logy's Avatar
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I'm in love. He is so sweet!


All great projects succeed one step at a time. One lone step firmly placed.
# 36 28-09-2004 , 12:37 PM
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I have finally finished the texturing of the little fella altho I could have used another week to get it bang on. I guess I am happy with it. Thanks mike for your UV poly tutorial. I must have watched it like 30 times already and I am still trying to get it right!
Oh yeah! All Hail the Rubber Chicken who gave this little guy his name! Thanks brother.
Kurt!!! Duuuude! Not cursing you at all and I have watched your tutorials as well. Thanks for your advice and when I can afford it I would not mind having a look at your frog modeling and textureing tutorials. Cool!
I have totally run outta time for the creation of an environment (like I thought I would so I am gonna composit the dino rat into a photo for the end submission.)
Phew! So tired! Gonna get some sleep! Good luck and peace out all!

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# 37 28-09-2004 , 12:41 PM
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arhhh hes so cute,
good work on the textures, looks just as good as the concept if not better, yep better.

Daeuser added image

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# 38 28-09-2004 , 06:26 PM
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haha i like it...good texturing

# 39 28-09-2004 , 07:22 PM
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That is SO CUTE!!! i want it as my pet! lol! good job!

# 40 28-09-2004 , 07:54 PM
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Man, wish I could texture... user added image
Amazing looking rat thingy there user added image

Watch Space Wars at now!

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# 41 28-09-2004 , 07:58 PM
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Nice job with the textures! Glad I helped some. user added image

The bump on the body seems a little off... almost looks like it's too dense, perhaps?

Head looks good! :tup:

# 42 29-09-2004 , 01:31 AM
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Phew Mike! You're a tough man to please but fair enough!! I sort of liked the texture on the body but I will see if I can either thin out the bump or lighten it so it does not look so obvious. I think that the actual texture is quite tight so it might not be the bump.

I'm running outta time now so I might have to say enough is enough and make do. My girlfriend is getting a little ticked off that I am spending every spare moment working on this ha ha!

Thanks for all the encouragment guys and I have learnt so much doing this and it has turned out better than I was expecting. If you wanna learn fast do a challenge!

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# 43 29-09-2004 , 01:39 AM
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well looks like time well spent though. Great image. Its so cute, I can almost imagine it scampering over my feet. LOL

# 44 29-09-2004 , 02:37 AM
t3logy's Avatar
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Your project is great. I also feel it looks as good as if not better than the concept. At any rate, awesome entry. Hope you get enough time to create an environment, however, if not, great entry.


All great projects succeed one step at a time. One lone step firmly placed.
# 45 29-09-2004 , 01:22 PM
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Still more of the same actually. I have worked on the bump map and mellowed it out just a little and it looks a bit better. Still not 100% happy with it but who ever is?? I have run outta time for the environment so I have dropped the dino rat into a picture that I will place in the finals tomorrow - Yay!

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