Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 31 28-10-2006 , 06:09 AM
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Originally posted by mesgna
for a noob in modelling i recomend using max i found it far easier than maya was regarding i was using maya 6.5

It would be preferable to have some skill in both programs.

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# 32 28-10-2006 , 08:40 AM
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I tried max, and couldnt make a cube, lol.
when i started maya, i could figure out how to make a sphere,move vertices and faces around.
maya is easier...
lol, for me anyway

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# 33 28-10-2006 , 12:51 PM
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I definetly prefer maya though.

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# 34 31-10-2006 , 03:17 PM
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Pointless thread user added image

# 35 31-10-2006 , 06:21 PM
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Nah. He might not know what he wants to model with so, he's asking around.

btw nice avatar lol.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."

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# 36 31-10-2006 , 06:26 PM
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all the arguments people make are based on a personal preference,and asking such a question on a maya focused forum is fantastically biased and therefore pointless?

# 37 01-11-2006 , 06:15 PM
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hear, hear user added image

# 38 01-11-2006 , 06:55 PM
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i agree. this is simply maya because this forum is full of maya users. Asking a maya user which program is better is pointless because everyones going to say maya. everything is personal preference and you gotta find which one you can work better in. I mean its good to know all because if you get a job, you dont know if they want to use maya, max, xsi or whatever..... but once you know one, its easy to pick up the others

# 39 02-11-2006 , 11:10 PM
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I believe earlier that someone defended Max earlier in the thread. So that proves that just becuase we all use Maya here doesn't mean we are all crazy over it.

# 40 03-11-2006 , 04:58 PM
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yeah, ok I haven't posted much in this thingie, but..
ok, I've used 3D max, and so have my other friends, in fact, I used it before Maya.

In some aspects, 3D max is easier. Like when it comes to putting clothes on characters.

But, overall, I like Maya 7 better. I haven't gotten the Maya 8 upgrade, but I hope it's not too different or too like 3D max.

Anywho, that's just my opinion!!

It's all opinionated!:blush:

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# 41 03-11-2006 , 06:40 PM
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i gave max a few trys here and there. it was kinda cool. like the way you make primitives. haha. but i just prefer maya dunno why. i just seem to like it. no reason too. i chose maya cuz both my bros do max. thats just me though.

A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice!!
# 42 03-11-2006 , 10:29 PM
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Im new to these forums so hi.

I bought some points and all that and plan on a great time learning ''character modeling'' in maya..

..I say ''character modeling'' like that because I work as a 3d architectural designer using 3DMax and Vray.

I like organic modeling, and while I love Max, it seems to me that there are far more tutorials and resources out there for Maya than Max.. and it seems also that Maya is used for that genre of modeling more so.

So I guess since I have a job using one program and Max is a very great program for architectural modeling (afterall, its Autodesk), I will use Maya for all the organic modeling.

I do find it a bit difficult to learn since Ive used Max, but its nothing I can't figure out.

But to add to the thread, its a pointless argument. Both are great programs for what I see, so choose one at first and learn it for what you're trying to get into. After you become a ''master'' at one, then learn the other. Learning both at the same time takes away all concentration and time with one.

O well. Cheers and thx for a pretty cool site.

# 43 03-11-2006 , 11:53 PM
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I'm using Max right now at my job and as I am getting more familiar with it, I really don't see much difference in the two. There are a few tools that I like Maya better, such as the UV editor (can't stand Max's), but overall, they're practically the same.

# 44 04-11-2006 , 01:32 AM
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I know alot of people are put off by mayas 8 "Max-like" poloygon modlering but just figured a way on how to turn that off. I`m now liking the few changes they have made. But heres hoping thats the last of the max like changes they make.

Max I keep going back to as its what I strarted with, but even the latest verson sucks.

Anyone know which thread I sould post the maya 8 fix in

anyone want to know message me

# 45 04-11-2006 , 02:17 AM
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Pointless once again!!I tried to resist this thread but omg!!!

at the end of the day regardless of how good the software is, its the artist that WILL make THE difference either way...its down to your preference and do the best job with the tools you are given

I shall be unsubscribing on the next reply!!!!!!!!!!


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