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# 31 19-06-2007 , 09:16 PM
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Hey gster, its looking pretty awesome m8! as for the starfish-I think that it may look better if you built the area up around it alittle bit, maybe with some barnacles,coral bits,maybe som small muscles growing here and there-but in general I think the look and feel is pretty spot on!

# 32 20-06-2007 , 01:39 AM
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Cheers for the comments guys.

Im thinking that a lot of the uglyness will come frome the textures and the detialing, what I want for the skin is to have sort of "squiddey" bits mixed with whale skin that will then go to the barnicles and other bits and bobs, hence the starfish. It might be that it looks odd at the mo, bit unsure as what to do but as its a sub tool I can just leave it off

I had a look at Pirates, dead mans heast and when I saw it I thiought a lot of them were a tad overdone. What I might do is go back and add some detail to his face to better define his muscles and give him character from there as I think that hes a bit too smooth at the moment.

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 33 20-06-2007 , 04:28 AM
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nice going steve, the skin shader tests look great user added image

If he's going to have only a few artefacts over his face then I'd say you could do with working the face shape up a bit more. Places like around the eyes and defining the nose area more.


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# 34 20-06-2007 , 06:21 AM
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Cheers Si

Think i will have a fiddle with the face as i'm not too happy with it at the moment, thats one of the great things about Z brush, its easy to just fiddle with the mesh to get it how you want withouht pushing and pulling verts forever.

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 35 20-06-2007 , 02:37 PM
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good work so far steve - this is looking nice. I really like the work that you've done on the skin shader - looking forward to seeing it on the model.

I think that the main problem with the starfish, for me, is that it's a bit too big at the moment and as it's own, it's really sticking out. I think once you get a whole lot of sea crap covering his face (maybe only on one half?) it will definitely look a lot better.

This is going to be a great entry! user added image

# 36 22-06-2007 , 01:18 AM
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Cheers Arran, good to see you back on, have you got your winning model? Would like to see a few snaps of it.

Heres a bit of an update, had a fiddle and changed his fase a bit to try and make him a bit meaner/ugly.

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"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle

Last edited by gster123; 22-06-2007 at 01:21 AM.
# 37 22-06-2007 , 10:11 PM
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Started to add some detail to his hat now, adding bits and bobs to it to make it look old and like its been in the sea for a good while.

I've changed the materialso that you can see the details a bit better (as feel the red wax looses some definition with the finer detials)

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"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 38 22-06-2007 , 11:00 PM
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Originally posted by gster123
Cheers Arran, good to see you back on, have you got your winning model? Would like to see a few snaps of it.

cheers gster - user added image - I actually got an email from mike just the other day to say that it's in the post - as soon as it comes through I'll post some pics.

The model is definitely coming along - i think the nose needs a bit of work though - I know it's supposed to be fairly flat - but I still think it needs a touch more definition around the nostrils. maybe you can give him a Daniella Westbrook cocaine nose to make him look really freaky! :eeek2:

still think the starfish needs to be smaller, but if not, I would definitely move it slightly, as right now the top of the starfish and the bottom of the hat are sharing the same edge and so it's looking kind of awkward - whenever you have the edge of two objects share the same space it just tends to flatten the image.

Keep up the good work - looking forward to seeing that shader on your model and some more sea objects on his face.
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# 39 23-06-2007 , 05:09 PM
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Cheers Arran, I left the starfish on there and in that posistion because I was too lazy to move it, hehe once I've got the hat looking the way I want to I'll make a start on the head, give him a "base coat" of leathery skin, then an "over coat" of some bumps and barnicles in different areas.

I'll have to re-uv the head and then reimport it as the low mesh, as I've made some major changes fromn when he was origianlly imported into Zbrush.

Then i'll make a colour map of the bits make all my maps than bring it into maya for final completion, lighting and rendering

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 40 23-06-2007 , 11:09 PM
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Great modeling gster; I can see the Pirates of the Caribbean coming through user added image

@ arran:

Daniella Westbrook cocaine nose :lmao:

# 41 24-06-2007 , 02:58 AM
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it's a good start, but overall I think you need to take a step back and adjust the form. You've started on the high frequency detailing before you really nailed the basic form. It's easy to do with the power of zbrush at your fingertips, but don't forget to be sure that the general form itself is well defined and interesting.

Without that, details are just details.

# 42 24-06-2007 , 02:59 AM
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hmm apparently it made me post twice somehow. Sorry, please delete this.

# 43 24-06-2007 , 04:33 AM
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Hey funkey, could you point out what you thinks wrong with the overall form??

To me its what I'm aiming for, kind of lost facial features turning, fish like but keeping a human look, but then again I might have overlooked sometihing glaringley obvious, as for the detailing i've not touched the actual face yet, just the hat, which, is what i'm after it looking like. And I wont untill I'm happy with the overall look, before adding the detials.

It could be that i'm just modeling, free form rarther than sticking with a concept, so its dificult to see how I want it to look, then agian im not to sure!! as its all addding to the model each time I open it.

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 44 24-06-2007 , 09:24 AM
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sure thing.

The problem I have with it is that there isn't any real structure that stands out to me, it's all washed out and relaxed. Add some spots of tension and imply some bone and cartilage structure.

It's hard to say much since I don't really know what you're going for user added image but do a search for mermen or fish beings or something. Since you're basing this off of potc I assume you've seen this already? it may help with some ideas. There were also a couple articles at cgtalk a while back.

as far as the character design I think what would make it easier on you is to take a human, and take 1 or 2 aquatic creatures and try to mix the human to meet the patterns of those aquatic creature. This will force consistency in the design and also make it more readable as a human transitioning to beast.

...sorry, I hope that was helpful at all :p
get this part down and I think you'll have something really sweet at the end of this.

# 45 25-06-2007 , 06:32 PM
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Cheers Man, I ve not seen that link before, cheers for that. Thanks for taking the time to write that up and post the link.

I need to think what to do with him really. was thinking a bit "eeley" with his looks, quite washed out so to speak.

Had a bit of a sculpt to give him some character, think hes looking a bit more menacing.....

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"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle

Last edited by gster123; 25-06-2007 at 06:35 PM.
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