Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 31 12-10-2007 , 04:38 PM
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Modification to the small guns.

I put them on pivot arms that allow them to pivot out to about 60 degrees.

It adds a little more asysmetry and would look interesting animated showing the miniguns moving independent of the main turret.

I had to recreated the hose going from the back to the small gun. The hose to the small guns would have to follow as the gun pivots around. Can anyone suggest how I would rig that?

The hose is created by extruding a nurbs circle along a path. Perhaps I could keep the history on the curve and then link the curve somehow to the small gun so as it moves the hose path is recreated? But I am just guessing.

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Last edited by ctbram; 12-10-2007 at 05:25 PM.
# 32 12-10-2007 , 04:41 PM
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# 33 12-10-2007 , 05:26 PM
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# 34 13-10-2007 , 06:41 PM
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Guys I am abou to give up on texturing.

It really sucks because I want to texture my models but for the love of god UV unwrapping is just retarded!!!!

I have spent 22 hours today trying to unwrap the cabin of this thing and in the end it was all wasted time because it got all catiwompus and I could not fix it.

I am so frustrated right now you can't possibly imagine.

I would start unwarpping spend 5 hours and come to a dead end and have to start over, I'd go 5 more hours then the system would crash, I'd go 5 more hours and hit another dead end.Then I'd get frustrated and search for tools or tutorials on uv unwrapping and find nothing but pelt map tutorials for organic models. Then I would try again and get all screwed up.


It's all the extra edges to sharpen up the edges of the model that suck! Automatic mapping breaks the model into to many little pieces and trying to sew it back together is just insane!

I guess I'll just have to live with clay models because UV unwrapping is kicking my ass!

# 35 13-10-2007 , 06:49 PM
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Its not retarded at all, Just stick at it and plan what you want to do, use the selection tools such as select shell, then convert selections to sew them together without selecting individual edges, have a read of the help files to see what each tool does and where it will help you out. use the hide selection to hide parts already mapped so you only see the bits that need to be mapped etc etc.

It's like anything you need to plan it and know what the best way to attack it is, which only comes from testing things out. Try getting a more simple model and trying that, also some tools are better suited to different shapes (such as organics and the unfold option)

Are you not following the tutorial for it, might be worth getting it to save you going insane

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 36 13-10-2007 , 11:27 PM
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Are you not following the tutorial for it, might be worth getting it to save you going insane

I can't afford the tutorial right now, but I doubt it would be very useful. Kurt's final model does not bevel many of the hard edges and so is a very simplified version of my model.

I am sure his tutorial uses the approach of painstakingly picking each and every face on the side of the model and then planner projecting that side and then picking each overlapping uv and pulling it in or out while trying to minimize stretching. When you have every single edge beveled this becomes ridiculously tedious and labor intensive process.

With all the beveled edges in my model sitting there and picking every face on a side by hand just takes too long and with all the extruded faces that pop in and out getting all the nested side faces is nearly impossible. I tried it and spent a day on one side and still could not pick them all. I could not even pick all the faces in a day and the next step of trying to unwrap all the resulting overlapped uvs without stretching would be 10 times as laborious.

It took me 5 hours to build this entire model. I would guess it would take me about the same amount of time to texture it. Those two processes are enjoyable.

Unwrapping uvs is nothing but pure tedium and spending many times the amount of time it takes to build and actually texture map the model just to unwrap it is very frustrating.

I know this is just the way it is and I am not asking for, nor do I really expect, a "Do these 5 steps and your done" kind of answer. I am just expressing my complete and heart felt hatred of UV unwrapping. It literally sucks the joy out of life it self!

Last edited by ctbram; 13-10-2007 at 11:56 PM.
# 37 16-10-2007 , 02:15 AM
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Okay! The UV unwrapping is done.

In the beginning UV unwrapping was kinda like having my tonsels removed without anestetic and through my rectom!

But as many suggested with lots of research and just sticking to it by the end I was getting pretty good at it.

The UV's on the body are at an angle because I got the best looking pattern in that orientation. There is some warpage, but it is because I sewed the seam down the front and some of the bottom side so there is some squashing. With the camo pattern, the slight distortion is not really noticible. I could not avoid a seam in the back and along some of the bottom side edges but they are not very noticible. The overall coverage is even and clean.


Where do I get that numbered and colored UV layout texture map I have seen TJ using?

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Last edited by ctbram; 17-10-2007 at 11:15 AM.
# 38 16-10-2007 , 02:21 AM
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Here are some shots after UV unwrapping with clean color maps.


(1) I want to add dirt and battle blast damage. Is there a way to do this on a map and then add it over the color map or is the only way to paint directly on the color map?

(2) Similar to question 1 - I want to add unit markings and decals. Can I apply this with some kind of an decal map or do I once again have to add them to the texture map?

Sorry for the noobish questions but I have never textured anything before because I was put off by uv unwrapping.


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# 39 16-10-2007 , 02:21 AM
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Ugh, I hated UV mapping my mech model. Yours looks pretty good.

Is this the pic you’re looking for (this is just a small one, if it’s the one you’re looking for, I can send you the better one)?

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Last edited by Jr.Who; 16-10-2007 at 02:23 AM.
# 40 16-10-2007 , 02:23 AM
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Originally posted by ctbram
(1) I want to add dirt and battle blast damage. Is there a way to do this on a map and then add it over the color map or is the only way to paint directly on the color map?

Just use PS to create layers.

Originally posted by ctbram
(2) Similar to question 1 - I want to add unit markings and decals. Can I apply this with some kind of an decal map or do I once again have to add them to the texture map?

Again, layers.
user added image

# 41 16-10-2007 , 02:24 AM
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Jr. Thanks!

Your Assault Mech is looking awesome. The posed shot looks good. I am anxious to see the animation. I am curious, are you finding you need to rotate the legs at the hip joint? The model has a simple joint there but it seems to me for a natural walking motion it may need to be replaced with a ball joint.

I want to dirty this one up then go on to rigging it and animating as well. I have been following your thread for inspiration and tips.

Yes, that is the pattern I was refering too. If you could send me a link / copy I would be very greatful.


Last edited by ctbram; 16-10-2007 at 02:38 AM.
# 42 16-10-2007 , 02:26 AM
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# 43 16-10-2007 , 02:29 AM
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Do I need a spec and bump map for this model?


In case I forgot to mention it, I want to thank Kurt B. for this tutorial and JrWho for inspiring me to work through uv unwrapping and texturing my first model ever. I learned a ton by following his awesome thread on this Assault Mech tutorial and finally a big thanks to the SimplyMaya community for your feed back and support on all my projects here and SimplyMaya for creating such a great place to share ideas and to learn!


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Last edited by ctbram; 16-10-2007 at 03:16 AM.
# 44 16-10-2007 , 06:16 AM
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Posts: 1,043
i loved how this turned out ..i have been a big fan of yours every since you did your dragon ...which to date is your best one yet ... congrats ...

# 45 16-10-2007 , 06:20 AM
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Originally posted by ctbram
Jr. Thanks!

Your Assault Mech is looking awesome. The posed shot looks good. I am anxious to see the animation. I am curious, are you finding you need to rotate the legs at the hip joint? The model has a simple joint there but it seems to me for a natural walking motion it may need to be replaced with a ball joint.

Thanks. I’m not the best at rigging, so can you please explain what you mean a little better?

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