Maya 2020 fundamentals - modelling the real world
Get halfway through a model and find it's an unworkable mess? Can't add edge loops where you need them? Can't subdivide a mesh properly? If any of this sounds familiar check this course out.
# 31 22-11-2003 , 09:40 AM
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And heres me trying to make a fish user added image lol out of curiosity how long have you guys been modeling for?

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# 32 22-11-2003 , 01:41 PM
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I started somewhere around 1995 with Real 3D. Quickly changed to 3D Studio Max and about two years ago I switched to Maya.

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# 33 22-11-2003 , 02:14 PM
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I used true space some years back, but I never really got into 3d modeling until now, I am a lil dislexic and I find it hard to follow hand written tutorials, so when I downloaded the PLE edition and found it came with some training videos I was very very happy user added image out of interest how do I get back to polygons from a smooth proxy group ?

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# 34 22-11-2003 , 02:23 PM
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what would be really cool is see someone do this sorta stuff to their face, make say... their skin peel away and there is a metallic skeleton left in its place. kinda terminatory, only not costing someone millions user added image

# 35 14-12-2003 , 02:56 PM
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I've been looking around for a tutorial on doing match-moving but it's hard to find.

I tried to figure it out myself, but I can't seem to make it work right... he camra is bouncing around and stuff...

If you could just give a quick introduction to how you did it, it would be awesome!

# 36 14-12-2003 , 06:43 PM
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In this case I didn't track the camera as it was static. I tracked the dots I had painted on my hand and removed them in post.

Anyway, matchmoving is an artform in itself. Every shot is different but what is common to them is that you will most likely need to try to solve it several times with different settings. What works for one shot will not work for another.

Have you done the Live tutorial in the Maya docs?

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# 37 15-12-2003 , 07:57 AM
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you could expose the brain on your head,.... and then cut it and bake it or something.. lol... eew...!!>. but that's what is maya is for... eeh?... lol

# 38 15-12-2003 , 07:52 PM
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Still can

Yes I`ve done the tutorial.... But it was about match-moving the camera, not matching the movement of an object in the scene....

I tried to replicate the idea of painting dots on my arm, and stuff, and tracked them without a problem. The problem came when I tried to "solve" it.
It resulted in the camera flying everywhere but not matching the relative motion to my arm at all, and the locators wich is created, is not placed correctly, but are skewed so the upper locators are much closer to the camera and oposite for the lower, so it is useless to try to attatch geometry to them.

# 39 15-12-2003 , 08:11 PM
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Well, I can only guess here:

- Make sure that you're actually solving As Object
- Make sure you have at least six tracking dots visible all the time
- Make sure your trackings are clean
- Try entering some survey data
- Try to solve a shorter (good) clip first. Then use that as a basis for solving the rest.
- Try with or without various survey data entries.

As they say in the docs, matchmoving is an iterative process. There is no magic button which would make it all happen automatically. It takes time and patience user added image

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# 40 15-12-2003 , 08:27 PM
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As object ?!?!

Where is that box where I select "As object"???

It didn´t say in the tutorial... Or at least I don´t think it did....??

If you can reveal that magic secret to me... Then it gets alot more magic right away!

# 41 15-12-2003 , 10:22 PM
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It's in the Solve panel right under the Frame Range setting user added image

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# 42 28-12-2003 , 02:22 AM
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How to atach real movie in maya live

Hi Ihave done the live maya toturial but i dont understan how to atach real moving movie. I dont know how to import video clips, only pictures=( can you help me?

# 43 28-12-2003 , 04:45 AM
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Im getting a crc error on the file. lemme try this again.

EDIT: never mind, must have been my download manager.

It's Dr. Know, Not Darknow

Last edited by drknow; 28-12-2003 at 04:54 AM.
# 44 28-12-2003 , 01:10 PM
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Re: How to atach real movie in maya live

Originally posted by florry
Hi Ihave done the live maya toturial but i dont understan how to atach real moving movie. I dont know how to import video clips, only pictures=( can you help me?

You need to convert the video clip into an image sequence. You could use after effects (or maybe even premiere, not sure) for this...

The filenames should have the frame number as the extension i.e:

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# 45 28-12-2003 , 05:41 PM
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Shuld I track pictures? one frame at time? that sounds hard!
I think i missunderstand you?user added image

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