Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 46 29-09-2004 , 01:25 PM
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Ahhh crap - I noticed another small glitch in the texture on the leg. Fixed now!

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# 47 29-09-2004 , 01:27 PM
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ok, this is what I'm planning on using for my final

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# 48 29-09-2004 , 01:29 PM
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Give him some quick, tiny claws! user added image

Looks fantastic, you really came through on a tight schedule. Well done!

# 49 29-09-2004 , 02:06 PM
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very cool, surfermcd:tup:

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René Descartes
# 50 29-09-2004 , 07:13 PM
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good job dude... i like the lighting and the scene!!:tup:

Darkness Falls... From Where???
# 51 30-09-2004 , 02:47 AM
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great job on getting him in the photo. That envirment is photo right ? or is parts some maya geo ?

# 52 30-09-2004 , 04:14 AM
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You've been at this how long?

The placement in the photograph is perfect. The skin is much better, and i didn't notice the glitch previously. So whatever it was, good looking out. Perfect entry!


All great projects succeed one step at a time. One lone step firmly placed.
# 53 30-09-2004 , 04:22 AM
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Hey thanks for the feed back

I would love to put little claws on the guy but I sort of planned for him to have frog like feet. I see now that little claws would look cool but I have run outta time really.
The background is just a photo unfortunately. I would have liked to develop a proper environment bec I have some great foliage and wood textures thanks to a mate of mine (ta Jonny T) but bec I took so long on getting that blinking texture right I sort of blew it.
What I did do tho was load the photo onto a makeshift image plane in Maya, then try to match the lighting on the dinorat as closley as I could. I then loaded the background image into a spot light and also projected it onto the dinorat. I then rendered it and dropped it on top of the photo in Photoshop just making a few minor adjustments.
I am really happy with the result. It is actually the best model I have ever made.
Thanks for your comments Pony! Hanging for your final!
Dae! Like I already said... Someone give that guy a job!
Rubber Chicken - Thanks for the name brother - where's your entry??
Mike and Kurt... Dudes! Your tutorials and comments have helped me SOOOO MUCH!!

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# 54 30-09-2004 , 05:08 AM
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hey t3logy
Ta for your comments and support too! Do you have any work to look at???

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# 55 30-09-2004 , 11:06 AM
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Originally posted by surfermcd
hey t3logy Do you have any work to look at???

Not even a toe nail. I am a complete NOOB. I have a WIP I am posting on my birthday next month - Promised Pony, Airworks, and 3D. I'd rather be judged on my concept than the maya work. I am inspired / intimidated by your work tho -

t3 :glasses:

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# 56 30-09-2004 , 06:44 PM
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hey surfer, strength to strength mate. what else is there to say except, bloody good job!

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