I think that we are in an era which is going to see some nuclear event in the world that will, if we do survive it, create the will to ban all nuclear weapons.
We have reached a very dangerous level of complacency about nuclear weapons . . . .
Back in the 60's initially there was a huge population-wide concern about them, but now we live with them like we live with the neighbor down the street. With so many nations that have their finger on the trigger, sheer statistics say that eventually, the nuclear genie will visit us again, only now a very much larger and more powerful one.
As for George Bush, if ignorance were contagious, he would be a weapon of mass destruction. . .
As for Islam and Christianity, I think that neither is any better than the other when it comes to instigating trouble . . . more evil and wars have occurred in the name of god and religion than for all other reasons combine. Religion and ignorance seem to be married very happily. Both of these religions attempt to use FORCE to persuade, either open or subtle force, especially social pressure. . .
We must combat ignorance, and find ways of improving communication between diverse cultural boundaries. Many people will claim that they have no bias against other cultures, but I think that wether they think so or not, they do. . . .
Why? . . . . . Ignorance.
I know I have bias, because it is a NATURAL STATE. If you are not raised in a particular culture, whether you like it or not, you are biased, because you are ignorant of that culture. You analyse other cultures based on YOUR standards, which are unfair, as applied to their standards. Problem is that most people have not reached the point where they realize this, and we have goons like George Bush, the epitomy of this ignorance in power.
How can we combat this level of ignorance . . . . well, if you are not a politician, your next best bet, in my opinion, is . . . to be an artist . . . .
What? An artist you say?
Yes . . . . Art is one of the most life-affirming, positive forces in the universe. . . . Art, used in a positive manner can cross cultural divides were politicians fail dismally. Art is a way of sharing ideas and thought in a positive light. It is art, which Nietzsche said "seduces one to life", art and light are forces, perhaps "the force" that has the power to cross the cultural barriers that exist in the world community.
There are ways that art can address some of the most controversial of subjects, and still come out of it smelling like a rose. It is this which makes art so great, and for which I would consider it to be one of the greatest hopes for mankind and our future.
"The Sage as an Astronomer: If you still see the stars as something above you, you lack the eye of knowledge." Friedrich Nietzsche
Last edited by skywola; 08-04-2006 at 12:20 PM.