View Poll Results: Who do you vote for? M or GCastro
M 6 40.00%
GCastro 9 60.00%
Voters: 15. You may not vote on this poll

Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 46 07-05-2003 , 03:36 PM
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Hey Vector, still trying to figure out how to increase the rock texture... It's actually a shader, but I'll see if I can figure it out user added image

M, I'm liking your ideas... dang, I gotta figure out how to do smoke...

*George goes on a tutorial search user added image

God Bless you and 3D
# 47 07-05-2003 , 03:44 PM
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# 48 07-05-2003 , 03:45 PM
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Here's another update. I used Rage's sky texture for the background.

Any ideas as how to blur the horizon line ?

Also, I've been using GI_Joe lighting, but doesn't seem to work well with my environment, or I just don't know how to adjust it for outdoor scenes? should I go to conventional lighting? or could I use both? My main problem is getting some good shadows going.

Thanks for your help

God Bless you and 3D

Last edited by GCastro; 07-05-2003 at 03:51 PM.
# 49 07-05-2003 , 03:47 PM
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try using spot lights in stead of directional i to work

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# 50 07-05-2003 , 03:51 PM
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lol M i cant believe you are UV mapping that terrain!! Are you mad?! user added image I would have used a nice procedural texture to do it. It would make life so much easier... (Cause it's gonna be a nitemare getting a texture painted that you can get in nice and close with without blurring)

GCastro: Looking good, I would say that you might want to experiment with some traditional lighting, I'm learning nowadays that GI isnt all it's cracked up to be and sometimes it's better just to get in there and have a go. You can definatley get more mood and feeling into your piece by using dramatic lighting. As for you horizon line, you could use a DOF to blur the horizon, or a simple blur in post to remove the hard line, the background would probably be a bit blurred at that distance anyways.

Great stuff guys


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# 51 07-05-2003 , 04:01 PM
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thanks Alan.

I think I will try out some different lighting...

As for the horizon, I'm probably gonna have to try the DOF thing, as post work is prohibited in this tournament user added image

Thanks again buddy,

God Bless you and 3D
# 52 07-05-2003 , 04:23 PM
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oh ok y? post work is good practice, some times it makes more sense to do post work (especially with things like DOF) cause if you do a render with DOF and then you decide to tweak it a bit you have to re-render completley whereas with post you can tweak the render without having to re-do it.

Oh well user added image

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# 53 07-05-2003 , 04:47 PM
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Hey guys, I would of posted this morning but i have a major crash within the network. My files are all ok, but I have NO acces to the WWW. user added image. So now I am talking to you from a different computer that is super slow and not even local. When i come home today I dont know what I am going to do because I do not have Internet Connection. If i can get it set back up today then i will be able to get some images of rocks and stuff and use them to texture my mountain, along with smudging, and painting overtop. I am quite dissapointed as I was starting to get really involved with this! I actually have already started to manually add sections to it for the walls and the puddles, so that i know generally where everything is.

Pure, heh.. i understand what your saying. i didnt think about it blurring user added image. Oh well, if that doesnt work at least its planar mapped so that the textures dont go wacky, and that I could just add on shaders. Alright.. sorry GCastro if i dont get a final in user added image. Talk to you guys later today hopefully.

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# 54 07-05-2003 , 04:55 PM
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BTW, challenge ends on wednesday night (midnight) your time. I think I have decided to go with shaders, I will just continue to UV uwrap it.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 55 07-05-2003 , 09:18 PM
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its wendesday right? Yeah i think. yay so today is the final day, for my time anyway. not sure how long you each have in your own times.

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# 56 08-05-2003 , 12:43 AM
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WOOOHOOOO!!! IM back in business! Haha, GCastro.. im still going to give you a run for your money.. better start modelling like crazy.. because I am!

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 57 08-05-2003 , 12:44 AM
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i think they are both in Western Time (california) or at least M is, and that is 3 hours minus from now....uh....i think 7 hours for M left. I REALLY hope his I-net starts working! That would really blow if he lost on a technicality like that....

"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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# 58 08-05-2003 , 12:47 AM
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Hah, weird how you posted as soon as i did vector user added image.. Thanks man, yea.. im still in the competition. I have lots of work to do.. hope I can get it all done! Yea.. its 5:46 approximately here.. in BC canada. I dont know what time it is for GCastro.. but he has until Midnight of my time.. which is in 6 hours from now user added image.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 59 08-05-2003 , 12:50 AM
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Haha M! Yah i guess it was pony that was in WesternTimeZone with you. Awesome that you're net IS working.

Oh and PureMornin man, i def agree about the GI script. It doesn't ALWAYS look better. And you DO get more feeling, and control outta creating you're own light set. I don't know about real GI, cause i haven't worked with it. But it definately helps in outdoor scenes when you NEED that GI look.

"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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# 60 08-05-2003 , 01:19 AM
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Alright, anyways.. this is what I have so far and i have just broken it into sections.. if texturing doesnt work.. i will go on to shaders user added image. C&C welcome.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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