This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
1) Proper geometry for 3D engines. I think you'll have this in the book, but the pitfalls and do's and dont's covered extensively. Is planar surfaces still important for 3D engines? Such things.
2) Exporters and exporting workflow. Get technical please hehe. How much can be done in maya and exported into the engine, the use of shaders and materials in maya into the game, mental ray and games.
3) If possible a chapter on the Maya gamedev SDK. Introductory, when and how to best use it. The programmers are capable of reading syntax and tutorials hopefully, so with the non-techy-artist in mind, or for those who wants to get a little more technical.
4) Good cheats (to cut time) and strategies on how to re-use art work, animation, models and so on in good ways. Bit like your alpha transparency tutorial to give the hillbilly shorts. More of it along those lines.
5) Small piece on using Maya for Isometric view. It's not dead yet and still very cool for little hobby games even though all the big studios insists on fullblown 3D although (if implemented and executed badly) it totally kills the gameplay.
Would be nice with a small intro to little 3rd party tools the game artist shouldn't be without, but I realize it's a Maya speciffic book and most studios develop their own tools to fit their own needs.
Hope any of this raised some new ideas, or others can be used in the sequel or so. If not you still have an excited customer in me lol. More importantly, thank you for writing this book.
Sorry, alpha, the book is already written. As it is, it is a how-to on making game art with maya. Nothing too engine or tool specific. Maybe in the next one.
Mike, does the book go over creating hair? I've always wondered if they did the hair of the low poly models in FFX with poly planes or something more robust (like paintFX).
Thanks, guys! I really hope you like it. I'm not sure if the UK release date is different from the US one... I wouldn't think books would have that kind of problem? 'Course, I'm not sure.
Unfortunately I'm a little late on giving you suggestions. But perhaps for the next or so.. perhaps you could have a chapter on guidelines for designing your demo reel for the game industry. Sort of a standards guide almost, the course I'm taking many of the graduates end up usually in the game industry.. unfortunately I finding the other few students who aren't getting jobs. Their reels horrendous in terms of what they place into their reel. The length of it, bad animation, too high of a poly count, just overall bad.
Now I know that every company has different modelling tests and such, but who knows perhaps they'll start using the Mike McKinley demo reel standards guide. lol Ideally for myself, I guess I'd like to know how long a standard reel should be. I've heard anything from 30sec to less than 5min. If I wanted to add music to my reel, do the companies turn off the sound while viewing them? If I'm applying to become a modeller, texturer and or dynamics artist.. should I avoid completely adding animation in my reel not to confuse the viewer?
if I was going for a modeling job in the games industry my reel would be about 3 minutes my models would be fully textured and rigged showing them I am a man of many talents and that I could do the work of two people, prehaps three (modeler, texturer and animator) thus increasing my chances of get the job, as for contents, well if dont like something it wont go in, only show your best and I would try show a broad spectrum of models from character (male and female, human and non-human), structure (lamp posts to buildings), vehicles (horse drawn wagon to futuristic vehicle)
if I was going for a modeling job and thats all I wanted to do then my reel would reflect that and have the basic models nothing else, my content would still be the same.
oh and as for music I wouldn't bother as everybody has different tastes in music, unless its an animated scene that requires music.
You might already know all of this you are doing a course, this is how I would go about doing mine.
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