Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 61 11-06-2004 , 08:41 PM
Rubberkidney's Avatar
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what were those buckles made out of?

# 62 11-06-2004 , 08:55 PM
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yeah, that's too bad, as that's looking really good. HOpefully since you've done them once you can knock them out again fairly swiftly.

# 63 11-06-2004 , 10:01 PM
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can u gimme some info of the shader u used? especially the it lambert? can u also tell me if u ve used mental ray or maya sofware and which light....

Nice process dude i happy that you are on Normal categor and not in noob cause then i would loose 100% with my dragon there......

# 64 11-06-2004 , 11:39 PM
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cheers guys

rubberkidney - just polys all the way.

dragonhawk - the skin shader is only a blinn at the moment - it's only temporary - I hope to create a more skin like texture later on.

it is rendered using mentalray - with a poly sphere used as a dome light and 1 directional light for key light, and 2 point lights - 1 above and behind the model and one low to the models right (as looking from camera)


# 65 12-06-2004 , 10:50 AM
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bit of an axe - just temp textures

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# 66 13-06-2004 , 03:09 PM
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cool! quite "Warhammer"-ish though, but that might be the look you're after?

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# 67 15-06-2004 , 12:04 AM
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cheers stedo - yeah I think I am taking references from a model which is from that sort of game.

here's the start of the texturing (haven't finished the modelling yet but wanted to get a start on that part) the final texturing will not be symmetrical like this currently is.

comments / crits welcome

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# 68 15-06-2004 , 12:45 AM
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love the texture buddy

I am in 10th grade, sophomore in high school, but if you don't take me serious, I'll make you.
# 69 15-06-2004 , 01:34 AM
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Whoa!!! Really cool model, and awesome textures!

Just read the thread and got a few comments:

The abs look great now, but they looked a bit too square IMO, but with the texture, it looks great!

If you're still wondering what to do with the teeth (the vampire ones, don't know the english word user added image ), i suggest you try and pull the jaw or lower lip a bit out and try for a Warcraft orcish kinda look, and maybe make the teech point a bit backwards... Not sure how it's gonna look, but I think they are/were (can't see if you've changed them since the close-ups) a bit too pointy. And maybe you could make 'em a bit bigger this way...

But it's looking great so far, can't wait to see the final result! user added image


Liter is French for 'Gimme some ****ing cola before I break vous ****ing lips!"
# 70 15-06-2004 , 03:54 AM
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Posts: 233
You have my approval for the texture! have you used the hair from maya 6? The color is excellent.

And still need to fix that bracer thing... More I think about it, the more I wonder if the mix of fur / spike is right. Spikes are better associated with shaved skin, at least, thats what my goth friends would say!

# 71 15-06-2004 , 12:16 PM
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hey cool work user added image
where do you get the number texture thing for texture mapping from?
i know heaps of people use it where you get it?
good luck with the texturing

Thanks for wasting your time reading this line.
# 72 15-06-2004 , 04:27 PM
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cheers guys..

blomkaal - yeah the abs are def a bit square, will try and alter them before the end and I totally agree that the pointy teeth things need to be altered and def made bigger - cheers for the suggestions

Mantat - cheers buddy - the texture is just a reference photo of a cow hide messed about with inside photoshop. I am staying with the nail wristband but will try and add a little metal for the spikes to stick into.

Mumbo - cheers man - the number came from a texturing thing made by one of the mods of this site (dannyngan I think) - you could just create one in photoshop or a similar package


# 73 15-06-2004 , 10:21 PM
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couple of tattoos/brands - any good - prob put a few more on.

comments / crits welcome

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# 74 15-06-2004 , 10:38 PM
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some bump mapped ridges on the horns would be pretty sweet...i like the tattoos a lot..did you draw them or did you download them? also, the hands..the only thing that i think needs a little bit of work, they have a teddy bear quality to them, id like to see them be a little more rough : ) very good overall though, cant wait to see it finished

# 75 15-06-2004 , 11:34 PM
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rubberkidney - yeah I haven't touched the texturing of the horns yet - will def be some ridges on them - the tattoos I just downloaded from the net - altavista image search works wonders sometimes user added image

i see what you mean about the hands will have to adjust them

cheers for the comments


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