Now back in maya I create a phong shader and drag it to the workspace in hypershade and then drag a displacement node on top of that and connect it to the phongs displacement output. Click on the displacement node and open it up in the attribute editor click on file and choose the file that z-brush created for you.. or convert the 32bit tiff to .map with this .bat file code first, by dragging and dropping my tiff file onto this it creates the .map in the same directory as the tiff:
@IF %1 == "" GOTO end
imf_copy -p %1 ""
@GOTO convertfile
@ECHO Done!
ok then you set the alpha offset by right clicking in its window and typing this " = -fileX.alphaGain /2"
where X is the file.. like file1 file2 file3 etc.. whatever maya named your tiff or map. This shifts the 50 percent gray point. Maya thinks black = no displacement.. in Z-brush 50 percent gray is no displacement. Set your alpha Gain to whatever you like.. you can try the alpha depth factor that z-brush outputs... but usually I have to adjust this value to get the displacement to look right.
K, pretty much done just add a subdivision approximation on the object you need..In the mental ray approximation editor in maya.. I use spatial and settings of 2 min samples 7 max usually... and render...oh and if your model has any triangles or 5 sided poly in it.. I'd throw a polysmooth on it with 1 or 2 divisions to turn everything into a quad...
Last edited by mayafreak3; 14-01-2006 at 06:24 PM.