mmoore: hehe yeah that name still exists on other forums...
ummm, i only realised a few weeks ago that people were using mmoore than one name..??? not sure what to make of it, good cop bad cop??
anyway, after, three restarts trying to reply to this thread im short of words, (and having just completely reinstalling it AGAIN this week), except to put my two cents worth in to say she is beautiful and an excellant piece of art.
do you animate as well as you model and texture, should people specialise with maya ?? maya is a bit of a beauty and the beast and im starting to think if i ever am going to texture like this i would need to focus primarily on that.
hand painted in photoshop, how long did that take over all, from head to toe and all.
i just got a second hand quadro 4 but havent put it in yet, i think radeon has been the problem, always 'your video card' errors.
(might change my name..
but you'd still know from the accent 
when you say /big' textures, what does that mean, resolution or file size?? or what? :blush:
take it easy and life will be easy
Last edited by mirek03; 13-07-2006 at 11:28 PM.