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# 61 10-09-2003 , 12:29 PM
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Originally posted by Scraggy_Dogg

Hey BUT, where is the 'Toolbox' [see last post - or two]because I have never seen those options anywere else (I don't think, but dunno?)

The tool box contains the Move, Scale, Rotate, etc tools. On the far left of the screen.

# 62 10-09-2003 , 02:26 PM
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Thanks Mike, I was getting a bit confused. But now sorted out. It worked a treat in 'Object' mode.

HappyLemon - lol - I have been struggling since it started to get a 'Basic shape' for the base that did not look like a copy of the one posted by Mike, Every one I did looked either the same as the picy or 'NAFF' ... Have been just playing around with shapes and stuff, and looking at the other images on Feng's site..
If we are happy with the 'Shape' then I will carry on and make the 'BFG' you want user added image ..... I finish work for five days tonight so will have time to play around with it more now... user added image

Woooo Hoooo 5 days off!!!! 4 hrs left.......and counting..

# 63 11-09-2003 , 01:58 AM
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Problems, problems.

Hmm, nope... Still NaFf.
At first those 'hydraulic legs' looked Ok to me, but if they don't serve a purpose....then I suppose they shouldn't be there... Also front of building is err, not right, just looks wrong.....
Nope me no like... Another Bin Job... Pity really cos I tried messing about getting scale into it by making a sort of 'craft' .... to point the 'scale' out - That Blocky thing on top floor was going to be a lift..

# 64 11-09-2003 , 01:59 AM
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Top part....

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# 65 11-09-2003 , 02:01 AM
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# 66 11-09-2003 , 06:23 AM
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It's coming together! I assume you don't want to leave the center hollow? Make it more busy?

# 67 11-09-2003 , 03:28 PM
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hey, its lookin awesome so far! Just are you going to after time merge it into one piece? It looks like the house part in the front kinda is a whole seperate piece. Anyways, it is looking great so far, but yea maybe add more pipes and stuff to that mid section user added image.

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# 68 11-09-2003 , 03:57 PM
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Hey Scraggy, you've really progressed! Nice extrapolation from the concepts.

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# 69 11-09-2003 , 04:54 PM
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Thanks for the comments, trouble is, trying to get it all in a decent shot, maybe I'll mess with the camera's lens setting??
And because I didn't plan it out, it's sort of dis-jointed, but I have learned a LOT from this Competition...[You learn from mistakes right? and I have made them in bucket-loads!] lol

Still un-sure whether to start again.. May try another scene anyway and just work on this in the background. Then see which is best,????
Methinks I will be happier when I get the 'hang' of that 'Append to Poly' tool, but at the moment need more practice as it's not behaving as I want it to.
Anyway I have more time now, woo-hooo 5 days off work!! user added image

Regards and Thanks Scraggy

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# 70 11-09-2003 , 04:55 PM
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That's looking good, I think you have hit a 'look'. I like the ship - are you going to model the interior of it so people can run inside? Perhaps add some platforms or walkways round the edge so people can climb up the outside as well as the inside and help with the busy feel. Good stuff.

# 71 12-09-2003 , 06:48 PM
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A few changes...

I cut the bottom part down and got rid of the front part (Was supposed to be an entrance) as I thought it was causing a disjointed look...see what you think...
Will keep adding and re-check rules now to see what I have to make in regard to the tunnels. Also I better look for some tutorials on making textures in Pho'p.
Must admit I'm not looking forward to texturing because I have only ever played around importing them... Also will have to do them 1 by one as I just cannot get the hang of UV Maps ....
But am really happy it's at least looking like something I'm not ashamed of putting on the web.
Thanks to all of you, I'm getting better with the tools, and not getting stuck (and having to post a question) every day...

Well better go check out some Pho'shop tutorials on textures, then check Mike's rules on them and tunnels.... Laters....

Oh yeah, sorry but the ship is way too small to have people (or aliens) running/slithering about in, hmm shame though because it is kinda cool inside there... user added image BTW - Watch this space for more bits and bobs.... And Thanks for the ladder suggestion... Y'know I did want to do that but it looked hard, really glad you nudged me into action.... user added image

:bgreen: Regards Scraggy

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# 72 12-09-2003 , 11:37 PM
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looks tight!
# 73 13-09-2003 , 01:49 AM
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Yeah looks sweet, how ya doing on polys?

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# 74 13-09-2003 , 01:29 PM
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Trangulate Question.

Hmmm, You know before you do the .. POLYGONS>TRANGULATE - Do you select 'Faces' or 'Edges' ???? Because I get different numbers... Scraggy ... Looks like about 9200 Tri's so far though...

Last edited by Scraggy_Dogg; 13-09-2003 at 01:32 PM.
# 75 13-09-2003 , 01:39 PM
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If you only want to triangulate a few of the faces, not all, then select those faces you wish to triangulate. If you want to triangulate them all, you can just select the whole object.

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