Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 121 27-07-2007 , 03:39 AM
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Hi arran, I'm still planning to pose him like my sketch. I did a search on the internet and found this pic which is the same pose I'm going for.

I hope I can get the time to pose him because I've found an opportunity to start making money using Maya (YIPEE). I've been modeling some houses (nothing very detailed) but a co-worker saw one of them and got excited and asked if I could do a 3d house for him and another co-worker. The co-worker is going to have a house built and asked the architect if he could show her a 3d model so she could see it before it was built. He told her it would be way too expensive and said it just wouldn't be possible.

So, now I have a couple of jobs to do. I figured since it's for the homeowners and not a business that it's okay for me to do them. I'm doing them free of charge but if eveything goes well and they are 100% satisfied, I'm going to apply for a small loan to get the commerical license for Maya and start some freelance work doing 3d models for homebuilders, etc. This is probably going to eat up all my free time to get this going so I may or may not have a posed model to enter. But that's okay, I've learned alot doing this ninja model so I'm still happy even I don't place in the top 3.

I pray everything works out like I'm hoping it will.

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# 122 27-07-2007 , 03:39 AM
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Here's the pose I'm going for.

Attached Images

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# 123 27-07-2007 , 04:17 AM
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Hey Perfecto,

Be great if you find a "niche" in the market, I've been looking into some visulisation stuff as ive got a few contacts for some freelance stuff.

One thing I'm doing is get hold of the CAD files so I can import direct then texture place light etc, that way I know, and so does the client for that matter (which at the end of the day is the main concern) gets a decent acccurate representation that should fulfill the architects design.

Might be worth doing, as you dont want it to look great but not be an accurate representation of what its going to look like.

I've been doing a lot of looking into as well as making some bits of scene building.

Good Luck man with this and with your pose which should look really good when posed!!



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# 124 27-07-2007 , 04:58 AM
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Thanks gster123,

That's a great idea. I've been getting some pretty good AutoCAD experience (from being self taught) so I feel pretty darn good about that suggestion. I did a 3d model of the church I attend, in AutoCAD to get a good comparison to Maya. I like Maya much better but it is easier to get accurate and precise dimensions with AutoCAD. Thanks for the tip gster123!

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# 125 01-09-2007 , 02:13 PM
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Hey Perfecto,

I am glad you finished too. No new posts in over a month I thought you had just like a ninja - Vanished!
The model is very cool and I have a feeling it has strong ties to asian mythology. A topic I know nothing about so there's no science in that haha. Just a feeling, and something about it that reminds me about authenticy or historical type culture.

A great ninja. Arrrrr, shiver me shurikens.

So how are things lately? I hope that all is well with you and that you are having fun.

Currently working on reclaiming Space
The Salvation Prophecy

Last edited by AlphaFlyte; 01-09-2007 at 05:53 PM.
# 126 01-09-2007 , 05:22 PM
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I thought you had given up on this challenge Perfecto, glad to see you were able to finnish. Cheers for a fantastic model. user added image

# 127 15-09-2007 , 05:03 PM
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Thanks THX1138 and AlphaFlyte! Actually I didn't finish the ninja but I wanted to enter it anyway. I didn't like the idea of entering a competition and then not posting an entry. Most likely, I'll still complete the ninja sometime soon.

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