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# 1 27-01-2004 , 04:49 PM
maya4todd's Avatar
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From preview to production render

I'm betting there's probably a step I'm missing somewhere, but when I have come up with a satisfactory rendering in Preview Quality mode I switch the Quality to Production. But, when I switched to Production in Render Globals and render it comes out black.

What am I forgetting here? I'm sure I forgetting something.

Thanks user added image

# 2 27-01-2004 , 05:03 PM
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Do you have any lights in the scene?

# 3 27-01-2004 , 05:25 PM
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I'll have to check. I've been playing with GI and Final Gathering projects, so I'm not sure which one it was.

# 4 27-01-2004 , 08:23 PM
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If you are trying out GI make sure your light source image is mapped to the ambient channel on on your sky sphere or whatever you are using as a light source and as for final gather I havent done a lot of this but dont you need another object in your scene to use a light source? (I think thats right) but like I say I havent done too much Final G

# 5 27-01-2004 , 08:48 PM
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You know, I think it's the ambient channel thing. I tried that on a new project after I posted last night and it worked nicely. I'll bet that's it.

# 6 28-01-2004 , 04:18 AM
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when using GI and FG do not set that box about preview or production quality.. it resets some of your other settings. let it change to custom buy its self.. use the samples settings right under FG. That will control the quality then. this could be one thing that is contributing to your problems.

# 7 29-01-2004 , 05:27 PM
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Sample settings? What's the rollout where those settings are?
By rollout I mean the dropdown section.

I got "rollout" from my 3dsmax work. That's what they call the areas where you click a name and the section opens up with settings.

# 8 30-01-2004 , 01:30 AM
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Right under the FinalGather (rollout) there is the Sampling Quality rollout. In there change your min samples to 0 and max to 2. For the filter type I like Mitchell instead of Box. really nice anti-aliasing.

You might note. that when you tern on FG or change the Sampling Quality that the first rollout with Quality on it changes to custom. If you change that back to draft or any other it changes the settings you have made below. This is why I suggest just leaving the quality alone and set the rest to your liking.

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