A couple of crits:
(1) You have modeled rectangular lights, but it seems that they emit two spotlights with an overlapping cone. I would suggest that volume lighting may be more appropriate.
(2) You definitely need some ambient lighting as all of the light in your scene comes from the over-table lights and is pointed straight down at the table. The problem with this is that you have modeled covers that cannot be seen because they are not lit from above or from the sides.
I hope I dont totally confuse you if I say: "Dont create an Area Light, rather create ambient lighting by creating and aiming Directional Lights." I personally prefer lots of directional lights with low intensities than one or two high intensity lights as you can set up more intricate highlights in your scene.
Another general point about lights... dont be afraid to go into the Attribute Editor and modify the light color... in real life one rarely encounters "white" light. A slight push into the yellow or blue can do wonders for the overall realism and look of your scene.
That'll do donkey... that'll do...
Last edited by rich; 04-02-2004 at 12:56 AM.