I have been working on the SM Dragon tutorial and wanted to post my current WIP.
I started the model yesterday after watching the SM tutorial a couple times (went most of last night as I was so focused I forgot to go to sleep

Lighting is simple 3 point setup as per Mike's lighting tutorial.
Completed the nurbs rough mass in about 2 hours and have about 20 hours invested in the poly mesh so far. Most of the time is because folds and creases are a struggle for me. I always seem to be one edge to short (LOL).
I also struggle to keep the details to just where they need to be and as a result I honestly agonise for like 30 minutes for each new edge I think about adding.
I focused on trying to make the image as close to the image planes as I possible can using this as a training aid on using the contour lines provided on the original image. At this point I focused on the jaw line, the browe ridge, the startings of the lip details (have some tweaking to do here - lips are a challenge for me!) and the overall radial flow around the eyes and mouth.
This is really my first attempt at a real organic model. Please let me know what you think of my work so far. I would welcome any suggestions.
I also have a question. In the course of working on this I pulled some vertices off the axis of symetric and I appear to have gotten myself in some odd local coordinate system mode where I cannot seem to get the boarder edge back to alignment with the axis of symetry that is why I don't have a combine image to post.

Anyway great tutorial Kurt!