View Poll Results: when we will have realtime hyperrealistic hardware rendering?
1yr 0 0%
2yrs 1 12.50%
3yrs 1 12.50%
4yrs 0 0%
5yrs 2 25.00%
there will always be a reallife algorithm bigger than the available power 4 50.00%
never, exponential power growth has to top before... 0 0%
other (why?) 0 0%
Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll

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# 1 19-04-2004 , 04:36 PM
dragonfx's Avatar
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place bets: when we will have realtime hyperrealistic hardware rendering?

thats it we were seeing exponential rate of growing power for linear increase of quality but lately i seem to see the exponential growth of quality taking off.
damn, nowadays the computers dont wait two years to get old beyond any utiliy....
hdr realtime by hardware, integration of gpus with the cpus to make final images(nvidia´s new renderer:gelato), pci cards with an extra cpu+ram (to speed up mental ray), pcis with 32 way parallel floating point coprocessors...
its gonna happen sooner than later, we will look at todays software renders and histerically laugh when we think of the time we have waited for them to finish....
now the question is when?
i mean, i could very well forget this and return to the area then user added image

Last edited by dragonfx; 19-04-2004 at 04:42 PM.
# 2 20-04-2004 , 09:04 AM
rotbol's Avatar
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who knows user added image .. might be near heheh

Nvidias new chip

this one sure looks promising user added image

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# 3 20-04-2004 , 04:55 PM
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if and when hardware accelerated openGL has the capabilities to display hdri lighting in real time or 32 way par. floating pts, or superfasst hardware texture rendering.... Imagine then what software rendering will be capable of.... the two will never equate in anyway. and frankly i'm happy with current hardware capabilities. not i ever see the need for real time hdr... since they will not be final product... in any case, at my level (and i'm sure many of us here on sm) the capabilities of our current hardware is more than enough.

# 4 20-04-2004 , 05:22 PM
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rendering will always be slow, look at it over the past couple of years, CPUs have doubled in speed but rendering is still as slow as ever. And also we will only have "hyperealistic rendering" if the users can make it. Believe me no matter how much power you give people they will still make crappy renders... (I'm feeling cynical today)

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# 5 20-04-2004 , 06:42 PM
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Pure: yeah, yeah, the art side... totally agree with only a shade: having more power means the software can have niftier apps and presets... meaning the user can be more brutish and still produce something worth looking at...

have you played Farcry at max options? true, it is unplayable no matter what machine and true it isnt photorrealistic (but as close as it gets with todays hard, engines and game artists...)
and this days gamecards demos dont have much to envy to a steven stahlberg´s pic,

in fact todays gpus have more processing power (and specialliced on doing its thing) than todays cpus and they keep shrinking components size and growing die size like theres no tomorrow (power consumption starts to be big issue with the nvidias 6800U. they eat more than the processor... and when the quadro version is out and the renderviews of the apps take advantage of it, and i can get my hands on it :watermouthuser added image

i mean what i said: i think the realtime quality capabilites is also starting to go exponential instead of linear and i believe the capability of the eye to discern fake from true images is fixed at a very lower treshold than the level needed to accurately model it.
combining both beliefs it follows that power will be available (at farthest)in the next decade

Last edited by dragonfx; 20-04-2004 at 07:08 PM.
# 6 21-04-2004 , 08:08 AM
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# 7 22-04-2004 , 10:15 AM
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that are news from 2000... and even if the playstations are restricted material for some countrys because they can guide ballistic missiles if refitted properly(and it isnt an urban legenduser added image), it hasnt the kind of power im talking about... i would like to see a freezer filled with an arrangement of 6 pci express nvidia6800U on each 4opteron machine of a cluster of 32 working together (with the gelato renderer for example) to make realtime software render... or something like that, like more 2004ish...

Last edited by dragonfx; 22-04-2004 at 12:22 PM.
# 8 23-04-2004 , 01:54 AM
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Well if they can do that in 2000, I don't see real-time photorealistic rendering by our standards now be too long in the future.

Of course theres no real limit as to what we expect to see produced from CG which will always be ahead of the current technology...that's what drives technology to improve. So in my opinion, hardware will never catch up to what we deem as "hyperrealistic".

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