Ohhhhh-kay, I'd like to continue this SHREK 2 thread by saying how pleased I was to see this movie! I've seen it twice now (I just returned from seeing it again just now) and the second time around was much better. The first time I saw it (opening day), I spent all of my time observing the technical side of the movie (rendering, shading, animation, modelling) and not enjoying the humor and fun that made up the movie. When I discovered they used a sub surface scattering shader to get that new look they have, I poured through the Internet trying to find a way to do the same in my project but all I got was gobbledy gook. Sure, I could use the shader from lightengine3d.com but I have no idea where to start or what to apply the shader to or how to get that "look".
Anywho, I really enjoyed this movie. What was even better was they showed the trailer to what I'm sure will end up being my new favorite Disney/Pixar movie, The Incredibles. I just want everyone here to go see Shrek 2! You'll love it as much as I did!
Russell Bolding
CEO/Founder - Russelltopia Studios