Beer glass scene creation
This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
# 1 15-08-2004 , 05:37 AM
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The One Ring (Need some Help with the Text)

Hi, I'm modeling the One Ring from Lord of the Rings (Yes, i'm a nerd, but that's why i'm here). And i want to wrap the elvish writing around it, I downloaded an evlish font so i can type it up, but i'm not exactly sure how i could get it to wrap around the ring, and add a glow. If you think you can help me out please contact me or respond here, also here is a render of it so far, let me know what you think

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# 2 15-08-2004 , 05:50 AM
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Lord of the what now? Never heard of it. But the ring's looking good, you might want to make it a little bit thinner, its had to tell from that angle but it looks a little thick. But now that I'm looking at it, it almost seems... precious. Where did you get it? Give it to me! Damn we're nerds.
aim: kaltnue303

# 3 15-08-2004 , 01:37 PM
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hm..the ring is nice...


the ring is from a film and that's why the ring must be so thick.


nice just put the writing on it. user added image
I know that it's not very easy. I tried that too.

# 4 15-08-2004 , 02:29 PM
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Thanks, you have any suggestions how. I would try with a bump map but i've already put a bump map on it. My initial thought was to type it with a font i downloaded and wrap it around a curve that fits over the ring, and make it glow while i hide the source, but I'm not exactly sure how to do that.

# 5 15-08-2004 , 07:40 PM
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FubaR - hey man, i think i know my movies, and the only important ring i've ever seen is from my best friends wedding. and please this time note my sarcasm lol.

jason- u might want to uv texture the ring with photoshop, u could double the map for bump mapping too. there are some good tutorials under texturing at
aim: kaltnue303

# 6 15-08-2004 , 10:21 PM
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Updated the ring alittle with a chain. Still want to put the leters on though. What do you think? Also any help on the letters would be appreciated

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# 7 15-08-2004 , 10:33 PM
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Try playing around with cilindrical mapping. Select outer polys on your model, and assign cilindrical mapping, set it the way it should be, and then simply apply texture (made in photoshop) to it. Play also with bumb maps, glow and similar. Just experiment with this thing, you'll see what I mean .

# 8 15-08-2004 , 10:40 PM
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Where is cilindrical mapping?

# 9 15-08-2004 , 11:50 PM
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edit polygons-->Textures-->cilindrical mapping

Hmm...I don't know how much do you know about these things, so excuse me if I might offend you.
It goes like this. When your is model finished, you have to do the uv maping first, if you want to texture it. To learn more about uv mapping, check out
You can d uv mapping on various ways, depending on how does your model look like. One type of mapping is cilindrical. So, first creat a material, assing a "checkers" texture (file->2D texture->checkers). Assign this material to your model. With this, it will be easier to if your uv map is correct. If there are nice, correct squares, then it's ok, but if there is some straching going on (you'll notice this if black or white square will have whit edge longer then other ( I mean with and height of that square)). So, select first outer faces, and assign cilindrical mapping. Make sure to set up attributs so that uv map will be correctly (see above). Now, do the same with innear part of the ring. Now your model is mapped, so open UV texture editor, make sure that all your faces (in this editor, not in the scene) are in the upper right part of the grid, select all the faces, and select polygon->uv snapshot. This will now be base for your texture. You can now open this file in Photoshop or something, and just write your text on the part of the texture, where faces lies. Then assing this texture to your model.

I know it sounds complicated, but it isn't. And sorry again, if I offended you.


# 10 16-08-2004 , 12:34 AM
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No apologies necessary, i know nothign about UV mapping user added image. If i do that will i still be able to use the current shader for the gold that i have? I like how it is now, and also will the text be able to be independantly glowing, and engraved on? Like i'd imagine a bumpmap could do that, but i already ahve a bump on.

# 11 16-08-2004 , 05:36 PM
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ofcourse you will be able to use shader, the only deference is that you will now have much better control of it. For example, if you want that some areas have more reflectivity then others, just assign grayscale texture as a reflectivity map. the area with white color will reflect most, the area with black color won't reflect at all. Get it?

You can also to this for bumb maps. Just assign black texture as bumb map, and then with photoshop paint/write text where you want it to be, end reload the texture. I think you can cotrol glow with the same tehnick.

you could also use displacement mapping instead of bumb maps, but I'm not sure you really need it, since it takes much more time to render.
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Any other question?
I hope this will help you.

# 12 18-08-2004 , 03:25 AM
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Common Jason Street....use some real collision there son, it looks like that ring is floating. Rigid bodies...or else!

...also where did you get the idea for that ring from? That would be a cool icon to base a trilogy of movies around.


# 13 18-08-2004 , 04:25 PM
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Well for some reason when i tried collision it didn't really work right. I finagled it more so it looks better. But still looks floating because yo ucan't see it is actually hitting links as if it were wedged into place like that.

As far as basing a trilogy around a would never work.

# 14 19-08-2004 , 01:50 AM
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Updated Progress

Here's an updated version of the ring. I got the text to wrap WOOHOO. Lemme know what you think. Still trying to make the glow look better but, what do you think for now.

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# 15 19-08-2004 , 01:56 AM
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Looks cool mate. But maybe get a better angle on the letters. And make them more firey like in the movie.

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