Digital humans the art of the digital double
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# 1 22-09-2004 , 06:13 AM
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need you opinion :)

Hi to all
since i dont usually render my work becuase i have a very slow computer ... i never render my works ..infact i keep them as model or just render them with draft prestes

i need you ppls advice in my last work i am doing in rendering
did i miss some thing? or are the better ways to render than one i did

please feel free to give your opinion
..your opinion and advice will be very much appreaciated
thank you for advance

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Mr_Flamenco™( the Man Who Summoned By Mankind)
# 2 22-09-2004 , 06:14 AM
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this is another one

* thank you in Advance

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Mr_Flamenco™( the Man Who Summoned By Mankind)
# 3 22-09-2004 , 10:27 AM
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Cool. Got some good stuff going on there. Ummm top render the reflection on the ground is a bit much, but thats personal taste I guess. maybe gray the mettle a little. tuch of blue. I'm sure your probably not in to much for textures for its seroundings but that would be the bigest place for inprovment.

Could you tell us more what your rendering with .. and some of the settings you feel are inportant ?

Like is it just maya software render ? how many lights ?

# 4 22-09-2004 , 11:01 AM
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Thank you very much pony user added image that was a cool comment Pony
As you just said I am not into too much of texturing but I love this field and I want to master it ..although I have seen many tutorials regarding this matter I still feel I am not able to make the picture which come into my mind

About the settings and rendering engine I used .. I used the Mental ray engine for rendering both the images
Both the first scene was rendered with out any lights I used the global illumination (GI accuracy 100 and GI size 150) and the final gather with (100 rays mind photon radius 15 and max photon radius 150).
The second one was rendered using the mentalray as well but with an ambient light with 0.5 intensity value.
Both scenes were surrounded with a poly sphere textured by HDRI tiff files.

And I don’t know whether these setting are the best for rendering or not I just felt the image look good.
But your advice was cool Pony and I will concentrate on texturing part more user added image

Looking forward for more opinion and advices
Thank you very much in advance
Saeed AG

Mr_Flamenco™( the Man Who Summoned By Mankind)
# 5 22-09-2004 , 11:23 AM
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another image user added image

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Mr_Flamenco™( the Man Who Summoned By Mankind)
# 6 22-09-2004 , 03:55 PM
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The first render you posted looked a little flat texture wise ...

The last one you posted looks VERY nice! The only problem I'm having with that last image is the dark background (is that the HDRI sphere?) is interfering with the dark foreground. Maybe thats just me.

I really like the stone sword stand. Nice work!!


# 7 22-09-2004 , 04:01 PM
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I also wanted to say I like the modeling on the hilt or guard or whatever you call that gold piece on the second sword.

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# 8 22-09-2004 , 07:17 PM
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Your second posting is far superior to the original post.

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# 9 22-09-2004 , 07:43 PM
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First, please read here for recommended image sizes on the forum (640 x 480).

Like pony mentioned, lighting, texturing, and rendering need work. You need to fix your texturing on the holder (adjusting the UVs where the wood texture is so they don't stretch). Second, start out simply with the lighting and some mentalray tuts to get a decent setup you can start with...your highlights are completely blown out.

Concentrate on one texture at a time instead of just rushing through and texturing MAKE the model. Pay attention to the ribbon on the handle....what's it attached to? Think about the scene...the room it's in and what you're really trying to achieve or convey. Be extra critical on your own work.

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# 10 23-09-2004 , 01:49 AM
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your settings sound pritty good. Not overly to high and looks like your not getting much for artifacts. I haven't used HDRI just yet. Though with a sword I can see where its a good idea.

Keep us updated on any new renders of this. Always intrested in seeing how this change or that change afects things.

I'v bean considering using a hdri with the dino in the challange. Noteing down your settings for some idea of a start.. LOL
What I have bean using so far is just one light with a dirtmap shader.

# 11 24-09-2004 , 09:19 AM
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Hi there again guys ..
First of all I am really sorry about the size of the image I didn’t know that .. really sorry

You guy people are just great .. and as I was expecting from you ppl I will learn too many thing from you
.. now I am doing little more modeling stuff in the sword I will post one as soon I will finish the modeling part
And will learn some thing more from you user added image
Just great advices … I really appreciate that
Thank you very very much user added image
Have nice day every one user added image

Mr_Flamenco™( the Man Who Summoned By Mankind)
# 12 07-10-2004 , 11:32 AM
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hi again guys ..

as i mentioned in one of my previos posts . i want to add some more dedails, thus i was doing littel more modeling.. i have added this face to the handel of the sword .. but didnt want to do some HDRI rendering and still working on it .. just waiting for my Exams to finish . and i will start working to add some more details

need feed back as always :p user added image

Mr_Flamenco™( the Man Who Summoned By Mankind)
# 13 07-10-2004 , 11:45 AM
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i am really sorry i forgot to paste the image in the previos post ..

any how here it is

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Mr_Flamenco™( the Man Who Summoned By Mankind)
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