No textures in orthographic viewports
I *think* this is a technical issue, but I'm a noob (and this is my first post!) so please be nice if it isn't.
The Game Artists Guide to Maya arrived in the post today (I haven't been able to put it down all day, it's fantastic) and I've been doing the first tutorial in Chapter 2, using maya ple v.6.
So, theres a plane with a texture of a sword on it. The texture appears fine in the perspective view, and also if I go to the bookmarked front view in the perspective view port. However no texture appears in the orthographic front viewport. I'm definitely smoothshading all and I have hardware texturing turned on. I've made a sphere and applied a shader with a texture image to it, and again no textures appear in the orthographic viewports.
I still did the sword tutorial, by switching the perspective viewport to the bookmarks, but it's a bit annoying. So, any ideas on what is wrong with my viewports?