Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 2
This course will look in the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. It's aimed at people that have some modeling experience in Maya but are having trouble with complex objects.
# 1 16-08-2005 , 03:30 PM
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July/August Challenge Final NEWBIE Entries!

Post your finals here! Only final entries, please. If you'd like to comment on them, please do so at their original thread.

Final entires should be no larger than 640x480. If you'd like to post larger images, please link to them from your own hosting. Feel free to post wires, texture maps, etc and describe your entry.

Only images posted in the final entry threads will be considered up for the final judging.


# 2 16-08-2005 , 04:27 PM
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I was allowed back on the computer user added image It's 24,000 polys, 2 point lights.

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Nobody felt like avenging your death. Sorry.
# 3 21-08-2005 , 12:39 PM
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Posts: 57
Here it is, my medical fear / loathe scene. Total it is 3574 polygons. It's all mapped out and textured. Lighting consists of a point light above the bed with a soft cone and a spot light behind the door. I also experimented with just a tad of depth of field, this was my first time truley lighting a scene up and enjoyed every minute of it.

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Last edited by spunky; 29-08-2005 at 07:31 AM.
# 4 25-08-2005 , 09:47 PM
publicFunction's Avatar
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Heres my final Entry...

Good Luck to all who entered...

Heres a "Fly-By" of the scene too. Click Here

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Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix
Winner SM VFX Challenge 1
3rd Place SM SteamPunk Challenge (May 2007)
# 5 29-08-2005 , 06:34 AM
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Posts: 28
Heres what my scene turned out as.
The pilot of a ship looking for a fallen comrade, afraid that his friend may have already died.

I had fun and learnt alot as this was my first competition entry.

(When the guidlines said; 'lighting and atmosphere' i thought it meant as in, lights and sky and stuff.)

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# 6 29-08-2005 , 11:32 AM
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Well heres mine, about 25,000 polygons, guy, fully rigged and stuff. The story is that the guy had a party before the third shift when he works. So he has a bunch of beers with some friends. He manages to gulpdown 9 bottles, and now he is a bit tipsy. So he starts working and then he cuts his hand off and fainghts from the pain. So that is where you see the scene from.

EDIT: I just learned how to count this afternoon. He had 8 bottles, not 9.

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Last edited by MattTheMan; 01-09-2005 at 12:31 AM.
# 7 30-08-2005 , 11:50 AM
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ok here is my final entry.. I wish i entered sooner , but anyway..If you want more informations check my thread. I think I'll make a short movie with this scene, I really enjoyed this contest .

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Last edited by raduangelescu; 31-08-2005 at 02:30 PM.
# 8 31-08-2005 , 09:14 PM
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Last edited by pankeriste; 01-09-2005 at 02:11 AM.
# 9 31-08-2005 , 10:03 PM
Total Rookie's Avatar
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Location: Where do u think I am right now? Alright, I'll tell y' all... I'm at Gnomon Workshop and Highend3d sites...Hehehehe...just kiddin':)!!!!Oh, I'm not a ego member anymore? Cool!!!! I'm a Senior Member now!!!!
Posts: 599

Poly Count: About 350000 polys.
Renderer: Mental Ray. Cartoonish Look.
Lights:-1 Point Light
-2 Ambient Light
-1 Volume Light

Authory: Total Rookie


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Anyone here plays Tibia?

Add me to your MSN list

Tibia is the best MMORPG that i've ever seen...xD
# 10 01-09-2005 , 06:37 AM
jediknight's Avatar
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Mr. Peepers gets some bad news!

This poor monkey is being transfered from the Zoo to an animal testing lab. My goal was to create an outdoor, daytime, jungle-like atmosphere. I used a little light fog and yellowish lights to make it seem hot and humid. I only used photoshop to create the textures but didn't touch up the render because, hey, this is Maya! Thanks for checking it out!

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