One Step further!
Problem One: Solved
Ok, I’ve solved problem one partly in thanks to Adam. The anti-aliasing was set fine, but I had an extremely poor light set up and not enough light was getting to the grayed out areas. What actually was lighting it was reflected light off the other buildings it seems because when I reduced reflectivity everything got dark and I added more lights and things looked much better.
Problem Two: Close
Thanks again Adam for the suggestion!! I didn’t even think of that. It worked except for that all the windows either light up or darken based on the randomly generated number. This is because generating the repeated image happens in the file node defined by the transform node. Is there a utility that can take in the repeatUV values (from the transform node) and upon each repeat loop access a set of code I write that would be something similar to the blender example. Or can I edit the code of the image node directly?
Ok, let me try to explain this with an example. Our mystery node starts by getting the variable information of the repeat UV from the transform node. Let’s say those values were 2,3. Now as our mystery node writes the color for each location it will access the random number generator and choose between one of two color maps and write it in that grid space. Thus the output would be our two images girded randomly.
Possible output:
Lights_On Lights_Off Lights_Off
Lights_Off Lights_Off Lights_On
I hope this makes sense. Thanks for all your help thus far!!! And a special thanks to Adam for the suggestions!!!!
Last edited by mikleing; 23-08-2005 at 01:44 AM.